Given 3x + 4y-6 = 0, find 8 ^ x * 16 ^ y

Given 3x + 4y-6 = 0, find 8 ^ x * 16 ^ y

Because 3x + 4y-6 = 0, 3x + 4Y = 6
Because 2 ^ 3 = 8 and 2 ^ 4 = 16, 8 ^ x = (2 ^ 3) ^ x = 2 ^ 3x 16 ^ y = (2 ^ 4) ^ y = 2 ^ 4Y
8 ^ x * 16 ^ y = 2 ^ 3x * 2 ^ 4Y = 2 ^ 3x + 4Y = 2 ^ 6 = 64 must be correct

Master to teach me a math problem``
There is a pasture where the grass is growing at a constant speed every day (the growth of grass is equal every day). If 24 cattle are grazed, the grass will be eaten in 6 days. If 21 cattle are grazed, the grass will be eaten in 8 days. Suppose that each cattle eats the same amount of grass every day
(1) If you graze 16 cows, how many days can you eat the grass?
(2) How many cows can you put at most if you want to eat the grass forever? ?
The answer is: (1) 18 days (2) 12 heads
I know the answer. I'm going to hand it in tomorrow. Let's help```
The person who solved the problem added points``

24 cattle * amount of grass per cow per day * 6 days = amount of pasture grass + amount of growing grass per day * 6 days 21 cattle * amount of grass per cow per day * 8 days = amount of pasture grass + amount of growing grass per day * 8 days

Yiyi clothing store will sell two different clothes for 120 yuan each one day. As a result, one will earn 20% and the other will lose 20%. So does the store owner make a profit or lose? How many yuan did you make (lose)?

120 (1 + 20%), = 120 (1 + 20%), = 120%, = 100 (yuan); earned: 120-100 = 20 (yuan); 120 (1-20%), = 120 (1 + 20%), = 80%, = 150 (yuan), lost: 150-120 = 30 (yuan); 30 > 20; 30-20 = 10 (yuan). A: this store lost 10 yuan when it sold these two goods