Brother and sister, come and help me with this math problem Try to explain that the product of 4 continuous natural numbers and the sum of 1 is a complete square number

Brother and sister, come and help me with this math problem Try to explain that the product of 4 continuous natural numbers and the sum of 1 is a complete square number

Let 4 continuous natural numbers be n-1, N, N + 1, N + 24, and the sum of the product and 1 be (n-1) * n * (n + 1) * (n + 2) + 1 = n * (n + 1) * (n-1) * (n + 2) + 1 = (n ^ 2 + n) * (n ^ 2 + n-2) + 1 = (n ^ 2 + n) ^ 2-2 (n ^ 2 + n) + 1 = (n ^ 2 + n-1) ^ 2. Test a n = 2,1 * 2 * 3 * 4 + 1 = 25 (2 ^ 2 + 2-1) ^ 2 = 25

A few math problems, please help me!
1. If a and B are irrational numbers and a + B = 2, then the values of a and B can be______ (fill in a value that meets the condition)
2. Point a is five units away from the origin on the number axis, point B is three units away from the origin on the number axis, and point B is on the left side of point a, then the distance between AB is_____ .
3. If the angle between the height of one waist and the other waist of an isosceles triangle is 30 ° and the waist length is a, the height at the bottom of the isosceles triangle is a_____ .

1. Give a random irrational number, such as root 3, then B is 2 minus root 3
2. The distance is root 5 plus 3 or 3 minus root 5
3. Draw the figure below to see that if the vertex angle of the isosceles is 60 degrees, it is an equilateral triangle, then the height of the bottom edge is 2 / 3 root sign 3

It took 10 hours for a garment factory to produce 48 trousers and 8 skirts, and it also took 10 hours to produce 24 trousers and 14 skirts. This factory can produce them every hour________ A pair of trousers______ A skirt
Party A and Party B set out from both places at the same time and travel opposite each other. Party A travels 12.5 kilometers per hour, and Party B travels 10 kilometers per hour. Party A returns to place a 30 minutes later because of business. After it takes half an hour in place a, they go to place B at the same speed. As a result, when Party B arrives at place a, it will take 15 minutes for Party A to arrive at place B, so what is the distance between Party A and place B_________ Kilometers
If a two digit number is added with a zero between its two digits, it will be 720 larger than the original number, and such a number has many advantages_____ Two, they are_________________ .

First, it took 10 hours to produce 24 pairs of trousers and 14 skirts,
So it takes 20 hours to produce 48 pants and 28 skirts
Compared with "it took 10 hours to produce 48 pants and 8 skirts", it took 10 hours to produce 20 more skirts,
So 20 / 10 per hour is 2,
So it takes 8 / 2 = 4 hours to produce 8 skirts
Then the remaining 6 hours will be used to produce 48 pairs of trousers, and 48 / 6 = 8 pairs of trousers per hour
The second question, 30 minutes, a and B respectively driving distance of 375300, 15 minutes a driving distance of 12.5 * 15 = 187.5
Let B's driving distance be x, then 1.25x is the driving distance of A
Then 1.25x + 187.5 = x + 300 + 300
Then x = 1650
Then AB is 1650 + 300 + 300 = 2250
Let this number be XY, then x0y xy = 720
Then 100x + y-10x-y = 720
Then x = 8 has 10 numbers: 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89