Xiaoming walks to school from home in the morning. Half the way, his father finds that his math book is left at home. He rides a bike to deliver the book to Xiaoming. When he catches up, Xiaoming still has 310 miles to go. Xiaoming immediately gets on his father's car and is sent to school by his father. In this way, Xiaoming gets to school 5 minutes earlier than walking alone. How long does it take Xiaoming to walk from home to school?

Xiaoming walks to school from home in the morning. Half the way, his father finds that his math book is left at home. He rides a bike to deliver the book to Xiaoming. When he catches up, Xiaoming still has 310 miles to go. Xiaoming immediately gets on his father's car and is sent to school by his father. In this way, Xiaoming gets to school 5 minutes earlier than walking alone. How long does it take Xiaoming to walk from home to school?

The speed ratio of walking and cycling is (12 − 310): (1-310) = 2:7, then the time ratio of cycling and walking is 7:2, so Xiaoming needs 5 △ (7-2) × 7 = 7 (minutes) to walk 310 and 7 △ 310 = 703 (minutes) to walk the whole journey. A: Xiaoming needs 703 minutes to walk from home to school

Xiao Ming walks to school from home in the morning. Half the way, his father finds that Xiao Ming's math book is left at home. Then he rides a bike to deliver the book to Xiao Ming. When he catches up, Xiao Ming still has 15 miles to go. Xiao Ming immediately gets on his father's car and is sent to school by his father. In this way, Xiao Ming gets to school 5 minutes earlier than walking alone. How long does it take Xiao Ming to walk from home to school?

1-15 = 45, 45-12 = 310, 45:310 = 8:3.5 ^ (1-38) = 8 (minutes) 8 ^ 15 = 40 (minutes). A: it takes Xiaoming 40 minutes to walk from home to school

Xiaoming walks to school from home in the morning. Half the way, his father finds that his math book is left at home. He rides a bike to deliver the book to Xiaoming. When he catches up, Xiaoming still has 310 miles to go. Xiaoming immediately gets on his father's car and is sent to school by his father. In this way, Xiaoming gets to school 5 minutes earlier than walking alone. How long does it take Xiaoming to walk from home to school?

The speed ratio of walking and cycling is (12 − 310): (1-310) = 2:7, then the time ratio of cycling and walking is 7:2, so Xiaoming needs 5 △ (7-2) × 7 = 7 (minutes) to walk 310 and 7 △ 310 = 703 (minutes) to walk the whole journey. A: Xiaoming needs 703 minutes to walk from home to school