Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang each have some books. If Xiaoming gives Xiaoqiang five books, they will have the same number. If Xiaoqiang gives Xiaoming five books, how many more books will Xiaoming have than Xiaoqiang

Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang each have some books. If Xiaoming gives Xiaoqiang five books, they will have the same number. If Xiaoqiang gives Xiaoming five books, how many more books will Xiaoming have than Xiaoqiang

If Xiaoming gives Xiaoqiang 5 copies, they will have the same number, indicating that Xiaoming has 10 copies more than Xiaoqiang. If Xiaoqiang gives Xiaoming 5 copies, Xiaoming will have 20 copies more than Xiaoqiang

Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang race. When Xiaoming runs to a quarter of the whole race, Xiaoqiang runs four fifths of the whole race. At this time, they are 50 meters apart

50 / (4 / 5-1 / 4) = 1000 / 11 ≈ 90.9m

Xiaoming Xiaoqiang two students from school to the children's palace, Xiaoming 70 meters per minute, Xiaoqiang 60 meters per minute, Xiaoqiang walk four minutes later, Xiaoming can catch up with Xiaoqiang in a few minutes

=24 minutes
Xiaoming will catch up with Xiaoqiang in 24 minutes
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