If a work is done alone, Party A can complete it two days ahead of schedule. Party B can complete it three days ahead of schedule. Now, after two days of cooperation, Party B will continue to do the rest alone, just in time. If cooperation, how many days will it take to complete the project?

If a work is done alone, Party A can complete it two days ahead of schedule. Party B can complete it three days ahead of schedule. Now, after two days of cooperation, Party B will continue to do the rest alone, just in time. If cooperation, how many days will it take to complete the project?

It should be 6 days. What a does in two days is exactly equal to what B does in three days. Suppose the workload is unit 1. The specified time is a day. If a Does X of the total amount every day, then B does y = (2 / 3) * X
Lie equation, X * (A-2) = 1, (2 / 3) * x * (a + 3) = 1

Engineering problems in grade six of primary school
I want the title, the harder the better

The sixth grade project question bank 1, build a road, team a repair alone 8 days to complete, team B repair alone 10 days to complete, team C repair alone 12 days to complete, if you want to complete in 6 days, what should be done? 2, a project, a, B two people cooperation, 36 days to complete; B, C two people cooperation, 45 days to complete; a, C two people cooperation, 60 days to complete

The original plan was to use 24 workers to dig a certain amount of earth. After working five days as planned, because six workers were transferred, the remaining workers dug one more cubic meter of earth every day than the original workload to complete the task on schedule. The original plan was that each worker dug earth every day______ Square

Method 1: after the transfer, each person will do more work every day. The original number of earth excavation per person per day is 24 ÷ (24-6) - 1 = 13, and the original plan is 1 △ 13 = 3. Method 2: if each person digs x cubic meters every day and the number of days to complete the task is y days, there are 24xy cubic meters of earth to be dug. 24 × 5x cubic meters of earth have been dug in 5 days, so 24x (Y-5) = 18 (x + 1) × (Y-5). According to the meaning of the question, it is concluded that y must be large In 5, so 24x = 18x + 18, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x = 18, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3, a: originally planned to dig 3 cubic meters per person per day