When a boat finds a leak, it has entered some water, and the water enters the boat at a constant speed. If 10 people clean the water, it will finish in 3 hours; if 5 people clean the water, it will finish in 8 hours. If it is required to finish in 2 hours, it should be arranged___ A man washes for water

When a boat finds a leak, it has entered some water, and the water enters the boat at a constant speed. If 10 people clean the water, it will finish in 3 hours; if 5 people clean the water, it will finish in 8 hours. If it is required to finish in 2 hours, it should be arranged___ A man washes for water

Suppose that the amount of water washed out by one person in one hour is 1, the total amount of water in three hours is 10 × 3 = 308, the total amount of water in three hours is 5 × 8 = 40, the water inflow in one hour is (40-30) / (8-3) = the total amount of water in 22 hours is 30-2 = 28, the number of people needed is 28 △ 2 △ 1 = 14, so the answer is: 14

A job, a alone 12 days to complete, B alone 8 days to complete, now two people cooperate, midway a rest 2 days, B did not rest, complete this work share how many days?

(1-18 × 2) △ 112 + 18 + 2, = 34 △ 448 + 648 + 2, = 34 △ 524 + 2, = 3.6 + 2, = 5.6 (days); a: it takes 5.6 days to complete the work

How to solve the engineering problems of grade six in primary school

Engineering problem is an important type of applied problems in primary school, and it is also a key and difficult point in the applied problems of primary school scores. The quantitative relationship of this type of applied problems is relatively hidden, and sometimes it is complicated to use the usual methods to solve them. If we use special methods to analyze and think, we can turn the difficult into the easy, The purpose of this paper is to make students master the rules and skills of solving engineering problems
1、 Answer with unit "1"
[example 1] for a project, team a does it for 12 days and team B does it for 20 days. How many days does it take for the two teams to work together?
[analysis] take the total amount of the project as unit "1". Team a completes 1 / 12 of the project in one day; Team B completes 1 / 20 of the project in one day; team a and team B jointly complete 2 / 15 of the project in one day. The number of 2 / 15 included in the total amount of work "1" is the number of days for the two teams to complete the project
1 ÷ (1 / 12 + 1 / 20) = 7.5 (days)
[comment] this is the basic problem of an engineering problem. Take the total amount of work as a unit of "1", divide the total amount of work by the sum of work efficiency, and you can calculate the time to complete the project
2、 Answer with copies
[example 2] for a project, it takes 12 days for Party A to do it alone, and 15 days for Party B to do it alone. Now Party A has done it alone for 3 days, and Party B has joined in to do it together. How many days will it take to complete it?
[analysis] the total amount of the project is divided into (12 × 15) parts. It takes 12 and 15 days for Party A and Party B to complete the project alone. It is known that Party A and Party B can complete 15 and 12 parts of the project respectively every day, and can make (15 + 12) parts together every day. Party A has done (15 × 3) parts for 3 days, and the rest is (12 × 15-15 × 3). The time required for Party B to join in the project is: (12 × 15-15 × 3) / (15 + 12) = 5 (days)
When solving this kind of practical problem, the key is to regard the product of the time required by a and B as the total number of shares
3、 Answer with multiple relation
[example 3] a batch of parts is processed by the master in 14 days. If the master and the apprentice work together for 10 days, how many days does it take for the apprentice to work alone?
[analysis] the master did it for 10 days + the apprentice did it for 10 days to complete all the work;
The master does all the work in 14 days (10 days + 4 days). From this, we can see that the workload of the master in 4 days = the workload of the apprentice in 10 days, that is, the work efficiency of the master is 2.5 times that of the apprentice, so the apprentice alone needs 14 × 2.5 = 35 days
[comment] in solving this problem, the work efficiency of master is 2.5 times that of the apprentice, so the number of days required for the apprentice to do it alone can be simply calculated