

Molecular = 1-sin ^ 6a-cos ^ 6A
=1-(sin²a+cos²a)(sin^4 a-sin^acos6a+cos^4 a)
=1-(sin^4 a-sin^acos^a+cos^4 a)
Denominator = (Sina + sin? A) (Sina sin? A)
Numerator / denominator = (3sin? ACOS? A) / (sin? ACOS? A) = 3

Simplification: Tan (π - α) · sin 2 (α + π / 2) · cos (2 π - α) / cos 3 (- α - π) · Tan (α - 2 π)

It can be reduced to:
What you wrote is a bit confusing. You can't distinguish those in the numerator and those in the denominator. I didn't read it carefully just now,
Do you bring it in yourself or are you rewriting it

Simplify cos (A-3 π) / sin (a + 5 π) * sin (A-2 π) Simplify cos (A-3 π) / sin (a + 5 π) * sin (A-2 π) * cos (2 π - a)


Compare the big and small root 15 - root 13 with the 13 - root 11 inside the root sign. Pay attention to the second one


Root 1 and 9 / 7 equals? Root 4 / 16 × 25 equals? Root 3x / root 9x equals? 2 times root 5 / 10 equals? Help me again

Radical 1 and 7 / 9
=√ (16 of 9)
=4 / 3
Root number 4 / 16 × 25
Radix 3x divided into Radix 9x
=√ (9x out of 3x)
Two times the root sign five times the root 10 equals
=2 √ (10 / 5)
=2 √ 2

Find the definite integral ∫ (upper limit is root 3, lower limit is 0) x times 1 + x square under root sign

Change yuan
Let x = tant DT = (sect) ^ 2DT
The integral limit becomes 0 to 60 degrees
The original formula = ∫ tantscet ^ 3DT = ∫ Sint / cost ^ 4dt
=1 / 3 * 1 / cost ^ 3 (0 to 60 degrees)

Definite integral (1 to 0) radical xdx

Original = 1 / 2x ^ 2|1 to 0 = 1 / 2-0 = 1 / 2

2 SecA = sec (a + b) + sec (a-b), 0 < a < (π / 2) < B < π. It is proved that cosa = (radical 2) × cos (B / 2) 2secA=sec(A+B)+sec(A-B), 0<A<(π/2)<B<π, Confirmation: cosa = (radical 2) × cos (B / 2)

2 / cosa = 1 / cos (a + b) + 1 / cos (a-b)
2 / cosa = 2cosacosb / cos (a + b) cos (a-b) simplification
Cosacosa = 1 + CoSb because [1 + CoSb = cos (B / 2) cos (B / 2)]
Cosa = (radical 2) × cos (B / 2)

Evaluation cos (arcsin Radix 5 / 4) to help do, to process. Thank you!

Let the angle a, known as Sina = 0.8, cos = positive and negative root (the square of 1-0.8) = plus or minus 0.6. Because the range of COS is from 0 to Pai (forgive me for not typing it), cosa = 0.6

What is one sixth of the root equal to
