If a, b, c are natural numbers and they satisfy the condition that root number a-2 root number 6 is equal to root number b-root number c, find the value of a

If a, b, c are natural numbers and they satisfy the condition that root number a-2 root number 6 is equal to root number b-root number c, find the value of a

A-2 root 6 under root equals root b-root c,
The square of both sides of the equation, then
A-2 root 6= b+c-2 root bc
In order for the equation to hold, it is obvious that bc=6, so b and c are taken as 2,3 or 3,2, and substituted in, a=5.

A-2 root 6 under root equals root b-root c,
The square of both sides of the equation, then
A-2 root 6= b+c-2 root bc
In order for the equation to be true, it is clear that bc =6, so b, c take the value of 2,3 or 3,2, substitute, a =5.

Are -3,1.5,0, and 2 natural numbers? Is it a rational number? The Concept of Natural Number and Rational Number Are -3,1.5,0, and root 2 natural numbers? Is it a rational number? The Concept of Natural Number and Rational Number

Natural number: Integer not less than 0(i.e. positive integer and 0 are collectively called natural number)
A number that can be expressed as an integer or fraction.
Only 0 of -3,1.5,0 and root number 2 belong to natural number
-3 Is a rational number.