If the absolute value of a number is equal to its reciprocal and the opposite number, then what is the number? If the absolute value of a number is equal to its reciprocal and opposite number, then what is the number?

If the absolute value of a number is equal to its reciprocal and the opposite number, then what is the number? If the absolute value of a number is equal to its reciprocal and opposite number, then what is the number?

0 And 1

The number whose absolute value equals its reciprocal is kuaikuaikuaikuaikuai First floor, why?

|X |=1/x
When x >0
Original formula x2=1 x=-1 or +1
So x =1
When x <0
Original formula-x=1/x
-X2=1x∈empty set
So it holds when x=1
- One upstairs.

|X |=1/x
When x >0
Original formula x2=1 x=-1 or +1
So x =1
When x <0
Original expression -x=1/x
-X2=1x∈empty set
So it holds when x=1
- One upstairs.

|X |=1/x
When x >0
Original formula x2=1 x=-1 or +1
So x =1
When x <0
Original expression-x=1/x
-X2=1x∈empty set
So it holds when x=1
- One upstairs.