A power of 2, b power of 5, c power of 8, is equal to 2000, abc is a natural number, and (b-a-c) is 2014 power. A power of 2, b power of 5, c power of 8 5, and the c-th power of 8 are equal to 2000, and abc is natural number, and the 2014 power of (b-a-c) is obtained. The a-th power of 2, the b-th power of 5, the c-th power of 8, is equal to 2000, abc is the natural number, and (b-a-c) is the 2014 power.

A power of 2, b power of 5, c power of 8, is equal to 2000, abc is a natural number, and (b-a-c) is 2014 power. A power of 2, b power of 5, c power of 8 5, and the c-th power of 8 are equal to 2000, and abc is natural number, and the 2014 power of (b-a-c) is obtained. The a-th power of 2, the b-th power of 5, the c-th power of 8, is equal to 2000, abc is the natural number, and (b-a-c) is the 2014 power.

2000=2*125*8=2*5 Third power*8
So a=1 b=3 c=1
2014 Power of (3-1-1)=1

Let 2a=5b=m and 1 A+1 B =2, then m =() A. 10 B.10 C.20 D.100 Set 2a=5b=m, and 1 A+1 B =2, then m =() A. 10 B.10 C.20 D.100

B=logm2+logm5=logm10=2, m2=10, m >0, m=
Guxuan A