The concept of percentage Like 1% is 1:100 or 1:99?

The concept of percentage Like 1% is 1:100 or 1:99?

1% Is 1:100

It is known that a and b are rational numbers, and negative a/3-5 and 2 are opposite numbers, and a and b are reciprocal numbers. Try to find the value of 2a+3/4a*b.

A/3-5=-2; a=9; b=1/9;2a+3/4ab=2*9+3/[4*9*(1/9)]=18+3/4; other possible:2*9+3/(4*9)*[1/9]=18+1/108

A/3-5=-2; a=9; b=1/9;2a+3/4ab=2*9+3/[4*9*(1/9)]=18 3/4; other possible:2*9+3/(4*9)*[1/9]=18 1/108