The inverse square cube's absolute value is equal to its own number. The inverse square cube is equal in absolute value to its own number.

The inverse square cube's absolute value is equal to its own number. The inverse square cube is equal in absolute value to its own number.

The square cube absolute value of the reciprocal of 1 is equal to its own number
The absolute square cube of the opposite number of 0 is equal to itself,
The inverse number is square, the absolute value of the cube is equal to the number itself.

The square cube absolute value of the reciprocal of 1 is equal to its own number
The absolute square cube of the opposite number of 0 is equal to itself,
The inverse number square cube absolute is equal to its own number without

Given that a, b a rational number and the absolute value of the square +b-3 of (a+2) is equal to 0, then the square of a is equal to? If a, b is a rational number and the absolute value of the square of (a+2)+b-3 is equal to 0, then the square of a is equal to?

The absolute value of the square +b-3 of (a+2) is equal to 0,
A+2=0, b-3=0
A=-2, b=3

The absolute value of the square of (a+2)+b-3 is equal to 0,
A+2=0, b-3=0
A=-2, b=3