The rational numbers a, b and c are represented by A, B and C on the number axis, then [(c-b)/a^2]+a (b >0> a > c) Must be A less than 0 B greater than 0 C equal to 0 D can not be determined

The rational numbers a, b and c are represented by A, B and C on the number axis, then [(c-b)/a^2]+a (b >0> a > c) Must be A less than 0 B greater than 0 C equal to 0 D can not be determined

Because b >0> a > c
So c-b is less than 0 and a^2 is greater than 0
Then (c-b)/a^2 is less than 0
Therefore [(c-b)/a^2]+a is less than 0
So select A less than 0

As shown in the figure, three points A, B and C on the number axis respectively represent rational numbers a, b, c, A B 0 C —————》 Then: a-b___0a+c__0b-c__0(fill in the blank with the sign or =) Can you simplify |a-b|-|a+b||b-c|? Find the final result.

<<<(Less than 0 plus absolute value sign)