2010 Power of 2×(-1/2)2009 power

2010 Power of 2×(-1/2)2009 power

2010 Power of 2×(-1/2)2009 power
=2009 Power of -2x2 x (1/2)2009 power
=2009 Power of -2x (2x1/2)

The value of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power of the second power The value of the second power-2-1 of the nth power-2 of the nth power-2 of the nth power-1-2 of the nth power-2 of the... The value of 2 to the power of 2010-2 to the power of 2009-2 to the power of 2008-...-2 to the power of 2—1 is 2 To the nth power-2 to the nth power-1-2 to the nth power-2-...-2 to the 2nd power-2-1 value

2 To the power of 2010-2 to the power of 2009-2 to the power of 2008-...-2 to the power of 2-1
=2010 Power of 2-2010 power of 2+1