What is the end number of the 2008 power of the 2005 power of the 2007 power of the 3

What is the end number of the 2008 power of the 2005 power of the 2007 power of the 3

The last digit of 3 is 3
The last digit of the square is 9
The last digit of the third power is 7
The last quartile is 1.
Then cycle
The last digit of 3 in 2007 is 1
The last digit of 3 in 2005 is 3
The last digit of 3 in 2008 is 3
Therefore, the end of the 2008 power of the 2005 power of the 2007 power of the 3 is 9.

Spring Festival 2004(February 9) is Monday. What is the day of 2008 after 2009? The answer to this question is still Monday, but I think it's Tuesday, because it says that after the day of 2008 in 2009, it should be Tuesday. Give me the answer, please. The Spring Festival of 2004(February 9th) was a Monday. May I ask what the day of the will be after 2009? This question was because the 2008th square in 2009 was a multiple of 7. In other words, the answer was still Monday, but I think it was Tuesday, because it said that after 2008th square in 2009, it should be Tuesday? Please give me the answer,

It should be Monday.
From February 9th
It was equivalent to this calculation. Seven days after Monday, what day would it be?
Starting from Monday, or Monday

It should be Monday.
From February 9th.
That's the equivalent. Seven days after Monday after seven days?
Starting on Monday or Monday

It should be Monday.
From February 9th.
That's the equivalent. What day is Monday after seven days?
Starting on Monday or Monday