What is a vector? Scalar? Number of generations? For example: displacement is vector, distance is generation, What is a vector? Scalar? Number of generations? For example, displacement is vector, distance is generation,

What is a vector? Scalar? Number of generations? For example: displacement is vector, distance is generation, What is a vector? Scalar? Number of generations? For example, displacement is vector, distance is generation,


Displacement is a vector and path is a scalar, so displacement can not be equal to path? But the displacement may be the same as the distance... What is the difference between displacement and displacement?

The difference:
1. Displacement is vector. Distance is scalar.
2. The displacement from the beginning to the end is unique and the distance is varied.
3. Generally, the distance is larger than the displacement. The shortest distance is equal to the displacement.
4. In a straight line moving in one direction, the distance is equal to the displacement.

1. Displacement is vector. Distance is scalar.
2. The displacement from the beginning to the end is unique and the distance is varied.
3. Generally, the distance is larger than the displacement. The shortest distance is equal to the displacement.
4. In a straight line moving in one direction, the distance is equal to the displacement.

1. Displacement is vector. Distance is scalar.
2. The displacement from the beginning to the end is unique, and the distance is varied.
3. Generally, the distance is larger than the displacement. The shortest distance is equal to the displacement.
4. In a straight line moving in one direction, the distance is equal to the displacement.

The displacement is a vector and the path is scalar, so the displacement can not be equal to the path There's no "size" after "displacement ", so I think it's wrong, but why is that right? By the way, why don't you answer one more question for me:" The numbers on the hours of rest mean the hour "?

Vectors and scalars are certainly different. Displacements and paths are only numerically equal when moving in a straight line in one direction.
Work and rest time, such as 9-10 o'clock to do homework, this is the time, not the time.

The vector and scalar must be different, the displacement and the path, only when there is a one - way linear motion, the values will be equal.
Work and rest time, such as 9-10 o'clock to do homework, this is the time, not the moment.

Is the path scalar or vector? Does an object moving at a constant speed have to be moving at a constant speed in a straight line? Such as title Is the path scalar or vector? Must a body moving at a constant speed move in a straight line? Such as title

Distance is a scalar quantity. An object moving at a constant speed must be moving at a constant speed in a straight line, because the speed is a vector, and the constant speed should mean the same size and direction

What is a vector and scalar? What are the high school physics vector scalars? The more specific, the better.

Only physical quantities of magnitude are scalar, such as mass, length, volume, density, voltage, current, power, work (positive or negative, but not direction)
Physical quantities with both magnitude and direction are called vectors. For example, force (gravity, pressure, elasticity, friction, ampere force, etc.), velocity, acceleration, displacement.

Is the average velocity scalar or vector? What about the average rate?

Velocity is a vector, and velocity is a scalar
We usually say speed, actually refers to the speed, do not be misled. If the question is asked (average) speed, is to answer the direction

Velocity is a vector, and velocity is a scalar
We usually say speed, actually refers to speed, don't be misled. Questions if asked (average) speed, is to answer the direction