Let these two numbers be A, B, and A > B
According to the meaning of the title
A+B =8.6+10.4...(1)
A-B =8.6.(2)
(1)(2) Add two formulas to get
2A =27.6
A =13.8
The larger of the two addenda is (13.8),

When the two numbers are added together, Xiao Ming miscalculates and subtracts. The result is 8.6,10.4 smaller than the correct answer. The larger of the two addend is (). When the two numbers are added together, Xiao Ming miscalculates and subtracts. The result is 8.6,10.4 smaller than the correct answer. The larger of the two addend numbers is ().

One is 13.8, one is 5.2.

Add two numbers, Xiaoming miscalculates into a subtraction, the result is 8.6,10.4 times smaller than the correct answer. Add two numbers, Xiaoming miscalculates into subtraction, the result is 8.6,10.4 times smaller than the correct answer.

Let these two numbers be A, B, and A > B
According to the meaning of the title
A+B =8.6+10.4...(1)
A-B =8.6.(2)
(1)(2) Add two formulas to get
2A =27.6
A =13.8
The larger of the two addenda is (13.8)

Is it only necessary to subtract the value of two forces to determine the magnitude of the resultant force? Is it enough to subtract the value of two forces?

No, because the force is a vector, both in magnitude and direction. The parallelogram rule must be followed. That is, if two forces make two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, the resultant force is the diagonal between the two adjacent sides

The angle between two forces of different sizes is 60 degrees. How to find the resultant force? The two forces are represented by the vector a.b.

Draw a parallelogram first, and then according to the cosine theorem c2=a2+b2-2abcosθ, the resultant force c=under the root sign (a2+b2-2abcos (180-θ))=under the root sign (a2+b2+2abcosθ) can be obtained.

If the force is the resultant of two forces, the relation between their magnitude is expressed by the vector equation as () A. Required B. Impossible C. Mandatory D. Possible

AC (both options same)

AC (both options are the same)