A number is added to itself, subtracted, divided. Their sum, difference, and quotient add up to 18.8. What is this number? A number is added to itself, subtracted, divided. Their sum, difference, quotient add result is 18.8, what is this number? A number is added, subtracted subtracted, divided. Their sum, difference, and quotient add up to 18.8. What is this number?

A number is added to itself, subtracted, divided. Their sum, difference, and quotient add up to 18.8. What is this number? A number is added to itself, subtracted, divided. Their sum, difference, quotient add result is 18.8, what is this number? A number is added, subtracted subtracted, divided. Their sum, difference, and quotient add up to 18.8. What is this number?


A number is added to itself, subtracted, divided, and its sum, difference, and quotient are added together, and sum is 8.6. What is this number?

Let this number be x;
From the meaning:
2X +1=8.6,
2X +1-1=8.6-1,
2X =7.6,
2X ÷2=7.6÷2,
X =3.8.
A: That's 3.8.

A number is added to itself, subtracted, divided, and their sum, difference, and quotient is 18.8.

The sum is twice the number, the difference is 0, and the quotient is 1
The number is (18.8-1)/2=8.9

When the two numbers are added together, Xiao Ming miscalculates and subtracts. The result is 8.6,10.4 less than the correct answer. The larger number in the original number is ______.

A: The larger number was 13.8.
Therefore, the answer is:13.8.

When the two numbers are added together, Xiao Ming miscalculates and subtracts. The result is 8.6,10.4 less than the correct answer. The larger number in the original number is ______.

A: The larger number was 13.8.
Therefore, the answer is:13.8.

(1)α1=(1,1,1) T,α2=(0,2,5) T,α3=(1,3,6) T; 2)α1=(2,-1,3) T,α2=(3,-1,5) T,α3=(1,-4,3) T

The necessary and sufficient condition for the linear correlation of three 3-dimensional vectors is that the determinant is equal to 0.
(1)|α1,α2,α3|=0, So the vector group is linear correlation
(2)|α1,α2,α3|=5, So the vector group is linearly independent