Linear Correlation of Discriminant Vector Group A1=(1 0 2 1) A2=(1 2 0 1) A3=(2 1 3 0) A4=(2 5 -1 4) A5=(1-1 3 -1)

Linear Correlation of Discriminant Vector Group A1=(1 0 2 1) A2=(1 2 0 1) A3=(2 1 3 0) A4=(2 5 -1 4) A5=(1-1 3 -1)

Correlation, n +1 n - dimensional vectors must be correlated.

Correlation, n+1 n-dimensional vectors must be correlated.

Given the modulus of a =2, the modulus of b =5, a multiplied by b =-3, what is the absolute value of a + b? A, b are all vectors What is the absolute value of a, the modulus of b =5, a multiplied by b =-3, what is the absolute value of a + b? A, b are all vectors

|A+b|=root (a+b) square=root |a|square+2*a*b+|b|square=root 4-6+25=root 23

Given that the module of vector a is equal to the module of vector b is equal to 1, the module of vector a plus vector b is equal to the module of vector b minus vector a multiplied by root number three, and the module of vector a and vector b Find the angle between vector a and vector b To process Given that the module of vector a is equal to the module of vector b is equal to 1, the module of vector a plus vector b is equal to the module of vector b minus the module of vector a multiplied by root number three, and the module of vector a and vector b Find the angle between vector a and vector b To process

Angle between vector a and vector b
60 Degrees

Given that the angle between vectors a and b is 120 degrees,|a|=3, a*b=-3, then |b| equals? A and b denote vectors, and |a| and |b| denote moduli of a and b vectors.

Product formula of quantity of vector:
A*b=|a b|*cos angle (important, be sure to remember)
Carry-in formula:
Solution |b |=2

The quantity product formula of vector:
A*b=|a b|*cos angle (important, be sure to remember)
Carry-in formula:
Solution |b |=2

The angle z between vector a=(1,2,3) and b=(2, minus 3, minus 1) is? Urgent The angle z between the vector a=(1,2,3) and b=(2, minus 3, minus 1)? Urgent

A. b=(1,2,3).(2,-3,-1)=2-6-3=-7
14 Cosz=-7
Z =2π/3

A vector whose modulus is 1 is called a unit vector. What is the difference between two unit vectors? A vector whose module is 1 is called a unit vector. What is the difference between two unit vectors?

Get the concept straight.
A vector of 1 unit length.
Vector subtraction: The operation of finding the difference between two vectors is called vector subtraction.
A vector has length and direction, but a unit vector has no direction. So, in general, we find the difference between two vectors, not the difference between two unit vectors. It can only be a unit vector.