What is the resultant force of the three force vector segments if they are connected in order to form a closed triangle

What is the resultant force of the three force vector segments if they are connected in order to form a closed triangle

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On the parallelogram rule of physics Please ask what to do after the parallelogram is constructed On the parallelogram rule of physics Please ask what to do after constructing a parallelogram

This rule is usually expressed as a parallelogram in which a directed line segment representing two co-point forces is taken as an adjacent edge, and the diagonal line between the two adjacent edges represents the magnitude and direction of the resultant force of the two forces.
According to the parallelogram rule of force, the resultant force of two co-point forces is related not only to the magnitude of two forces, but also to the angle of two forces.
When the parallelogram rule is used to calculate the resultant force of the common point force system, the sequential synthesis method can be used.
The parallelogram rule is not only the rule of synthesis of co-point forces, but also the rule of synthesis of all vectors. For example, for three co-point forces, the resultant force of two forces can be obtained first, and then the resultant force of the third force can be obtained. For four forces, the resultant force of two forces can be obtained, and then the resultant force of the resultant force can be obtained.
Sometimes it is convenient to draw only half of the triangular law of forces.
It won't be too hard to use parallelogram rules in high school. The most you can do is use mathematical induction formula.

Is there any difference in the application scope of triangle rule and parallel quadrilateral rule in high school mathematical vector? There's a book that says the triangle rules are wide According to the book, the triangle law applies to all vectors, while the parallelogram law applies only to non-collinear vectors. Is there any difference in the application scope of triangle rule and parallel quadrilateral rule in high school mathematical vector? There's a book that says the triangle rule is wide According to the book, the triangle law applies to all vectors, while the parallelogram law applies only to non-collinear vectors.

The triangle law applies to all vectors;
In the case of collinear vectors, the parallelogram can also be used.
Think of it as a flattened parallelogram.

Please use concise words to express "triangle rule of vector addition and subtraction" and "parallelogram rule of vector addition and subtraction"


How to understand that "if the two vectors are parallel, the parallelogram method is not applicable, and the triangle method is applicable" How to understand "if the two vectors are parallel, the parallelogram method is not applicable, but the triangle method"

Understand the principles of the two approaches:
First, the parallelogram method is to make the starting points of the two vectors coincide with each other, and then make the vectors parallel to each other along their ends, and then connect the two intersecting starting points with the two intersecting ends; while the triangle method is to connect the end of the first vector with the starting point of the second vector, and then connect the starting point of the first vector with the end of the second vector.
Second: After the two principles are clear, we will analyze the problem. If the two parallel vectors intersect at their starting points, they can not lead out the parallel vector which is relatively parallel to the other vector at their respective ends. Instead, we can only use the triangle rule to connect the end of the first vector with the starting point of the second vector. Then, we can connect the starting point of the first vector with the end of the second vector. The connection is the result of the addition of the two vectors.

How should parallelogram and triangle rules be applied to calculations? Ask for help. Better add a few examples to analyze. Please! Answer a good bonus bonus. How should parallelogram and triangle rules be applied to calculations? Ask for help. Better add some examples to analyze. Please! The answer is a bonus.

In the parallelogram rule, the resultant force of two co-point forces at mutually angled angles can be obtained. The line segment representing these two forces can be used as a parallelogram. The diagonal line between the two adjacent sides represents the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. This method is called the parallelogram rule of forces. We know the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

In the parallelogram rule, the resultant force of two co-point forces at mutually angled angles can be obtained. The line segment representing the two forces can be used as a parallelogram. The diagonal line between the two adjacent sides represents the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. This method is called the parallelogram rule of forces. We know the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.