In a circle with a radius of 6cm, there is a sector. The arc length corresponding to the central angle of the sector is 6.28cm. What is the area of the sector?

In a circle with a radius of 6cm, there is a sector. The arc length corresponding to the central angle of the sector is 6.28cm. What is the area of the sector?

Firstly, the circumference of the circle is 3.14 × 6 × 2 = 37.68 cm, the arc length of the circle center angle accounts for 6.28 △ 37.68 = 1 / 6 of the circumference, the area of the fan also accounts for 1 / 6 of the area of the circle, and the area of the fan is 3.14 × 6 × 6 × 1 / 6 = 18.84 square centimeter

If the circumference of a circle is 6.28cm, the arc length corresponding to the center angle of 150 degrees in this circle is


Is the area of the sector in the same circle proportional to the degree of the center angle?

In direct proportion
Area of sector = (area of circle / 360 °) × degree of center angle of circle
Happy to learn, you can ask again if you don't understand

Cut a circle into two sectors. If the degree of the smaller central angle is 150 degrees, the larger sector has a smaller area How much more?

Because the smaller center angle is 150 degrees,
So the smaller sector area accounts for 150 / 360 = 5 / 12 of the circle
Then we can know that the area of large sector accounts for 1-5 / 12 = 7 / 12 of the circle
How much larger is the larger sector area than the smaller one——
(7/12-5/12) ÷5/12=2/12 x 12/5=2/5=40%
Answer: the larger sector area is 2 / 5 larger than the smaller sector area, or 40%

Divide a circle into four sectors, and the angle ratio of their center is 1:2:3:4. What are the central angle degrees of these four sectors?

Because the center angle of the circle is 360 degrees, the degrees of the center angles of the four sectors are 36 degrees, 72 degrees, 108 degrees and 144 degrees

A circle is divided into three sectors with an area ratio of 1:2:2

The small part = 360 ^ (1 + 2 + 2) = 72 degrees
The large part = 72 × 2 = 144 degrees
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!

A circle is divided into three sectors, and the degree ratio of their central angles is 1:2:3. The smallest degree of the central angle of the three circles is______ .

The sum of the three center angles is 360 degrees,
Because the degree ratio of the three central angles is 1:2:3,
Therefore, the minimum degree of the center angle is 360 ° x 1
So the answer is: 60 degrees

Divide a circle with a radius of 6 into four sectors, and calculate their area respectively by the ratio of the angle degrees of the center of the circle is 1:2:5:4 A circle with radius 6 is divided into four sectors, and the ratio of their central angles is 1:2:5:4, and their fan-shaped areas (π is taken as π) are calculated respectively

The total number of the solutions is 1 + 2 + 5 + 4 = 12, and the area of the sector is respectively; 6? π X1 / 12 = π / 26? π x2 / 12 = π 6? π X5 / 12 = 5 / 2 π 6? π X4 / 12 = 2 π

The length of an arc is 18.84 cm, and the center angle of the circle is 240 °?

=9 cm

Given the radius of the circle r = 20cm, how many centimeters is the arc length to which the central angle of 18 ° corresponds What is the arc length corresponding to the center angle of a circle with a radius of 30 60? What is the arc length corresponding to the central angle of a circle with a radius of 4090?

Arc length = | α| R (| α| is the center angle of the arc system, R is the radius)
1. Arc length = 18 / 360 × 20 = 1 cm
2. Arc length = 60 / 360 × 30 = 5cm
3. Arc length = 90 / 360 × 40 = 10 cm