How much is 5 root sign 12 times 3 root sign 18

How much is 5 root sign 12 times 3 root sign 18


How many processes does Radix 18-radix 12 equal


The 27 th power of the root sign is simplified to obtain? Given that a = 3 of the negative 1, the third power of the root sign a + 1 / 2 of the power of a is equal to?

1, the root three to nine two, three times the root six to two

Known: the root x minus 2 plus (y minus 3) is equal to 0. Find X Cubic plus x, y plus 1 / 4 XY Add the value of the fourth power of X and Y under the root sign. Note: where the front is broken, there is a large formula in front of it, and a large formula is behind it

See figure

If: root a minus one part of root a equals 2, try to find the second power of a under the root sign plus one part of the second power of a plus 6 How many times the root 10? I forgot! It's better to have a picture!

Minus one part of root a equals 2
Square the two sides
Square the two sides
The second power of a under the radical plus the second power of a plus 6
=Root 40
=10 under 2 radicals

The power 2001 of Radix 3 + 1 - 2 (Radix 3 + 1) to the 2000th power - 2 (Radix 3 + 1) to the 1999 power + 2001

Root 3 + 1) - 2 (Radix 3 + 1) ^ 1999 * [(Radix 3 + 1) ^ 2-2 (Radix 3 + 1) - 2] + 2001 = (Radix 3 + 1) ^ 1999 * [(Radix 3 + 1) ^ 2-2 (Radix 3 + 1) - 2] + 2001 = (Radix 3 + 1) ^ 1999 * [4 + 2 radical 3-2-2] + 2001 = (radical 3 + 1) ^ 1999 * 0 + 2001 = 2001

The power of (root 3 + 1) to the power of 2001 - 2 (root 3 + 1) to the power of 2000 - 2 (root 3 + 1) to the power of 1999 + 2001

The answer is 2001. If you put forward a (root 3 + 1) to the power of 1999, as soon as you merge it, you will find that the previous pile becomes 0

The 2000th power of (7-5th power root sign 2) is multiplied by the 2001 power of (- 7-5 power root sign 2)

(7-5 √ 2) to the 2000th power × (- 7-5 √ 2) to the 2000th power of (- 7-5 √ 2)
=The 2000th power of [(7-5 √ 2) × (- 7-5 √ 2)]
=(50-49) to the power of 2000 × (- 7-5 √ 2)

Given | 2000-x | + root sign x-2001 = x, find the value of x-2000 to the second power

|2000-x | + root sign x-2001 = x is meaningful
Then x-2001 ≥ 0
So x ≥ 2001
Then the original equation can be changed into: x-2000 + radical x-2001 = X
Then the root sign x-2001 = 2000
Then x-2000 2 = 2001

Find the value of Tan 20 degrees plus Tan 40 degrees plus 3 Tan 20 degrees Tan 40 degrees

Because Tan (20 ° + 40 °) = (tan20 ° + tan40 °) / (1-tan20 ° tan40 °) = radical 3,
The denominator is: tan20 ° + tan40 ° = Radix 3 - Radix 3 tan20 ° tan40 °
So tan 20 degrees plus Tan 40 degrees plus root 3 Tan 20 degrees Tan 40 degrees = root 3