-How much is root 3 + 1 / 3 of root?

-How much is root 3 + 1 / 3 of root?

The original formula = - √ 3 + √ 3 / 3

Root 9 plus three times root 8 equals? One result or two results? Five 5 or - 1

According to the formula: root a square = a root sign 3 square = 3, that is root 9 = 3 cubic root a = a cubic root sign 2 = 2
If the root 9 is - 3, then - 3 + 2 = - 1 is wrong. Because there is a + in front of the root 9, it should be positive. If it is - root 9 is - 3, we should know that he just didn't write the + sign

If a is the square root of 9, then a is equal to?

If a is the square root of 9, a = 3 or - 3
Then a under the third root is equal to 3 under the third root or - 3 under the third root

(3 + 5 - 3) (3 - 5 + 3) is equal to

(3 + 5 - 3) (3 - 5 + 3)

What is twice the root one third x?

The requirement of the title is that the slope of y = root (1 / 3) x is twice that of X
According to the meaning of the title, k = twice the root, one-third, x = two-thirds, root, 3x

Under the radical of the formula - (X-5) the meaningful unknown number x has

There are countless
According to the meaning of the title: to make the original form meaningful, then:
-(x -5)>=0
That is: X

There are () a, 0, B, 1, C, 2, d that make the square of the formula root - (x-3) meaningful

Because: the above formula is meaningful,
So: 3-x ≥ 0
That is: X ≤ 3, that is: X ∈ (- ∞, 3]
It can be seen that there are countless X's that can make the formula meaningful

How many unknowns x make it meaningful to put negative x under the root of the formula Why?

Because the square of X is not less than 0, the root is meaningless if x = 0

Root x + 1 - radical 5 - | x | when this formula is meaningful, what is the range of the unknown number?


Why does the formula (square of X - x + 1) under the root sign make sense

Under radical (x squared - x + 1)
=Under root sign (square of X - x + 1 / 4 + 3 / 4)
=(x-1 / 2) square + 3 / 4 under radical
(x-1 / 2) square + 3 / 4 > = 3 / 4, definitely greater than 0