Tangent of rational formula of half angle formula tana/2=sina/1+cosa=1-cosa/sina How did it come out?

Tangent of rational formula of half angle formula tana/2=sina/1+cosa=1-cosa/sina How did it come out?

Multiply 2 sin (A / 2)
According to the formula of double angle

The proof of half angle formula In triangle ABC, prove Sina / 2 = radical ((P-B) (P-C) / BC) Cosa / 2 = radical (P (P-A) / BC) Where p = (a + B + C) / 2 Help me

Cosine theorem
So: cosa = (b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-A ^ 2) / (2 * b * c)
Cosa = 1-2 * sin (A / 2) * sin (A / 2)
So: sin (A / 2) * sin (A / 2) = (1 - (b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-A ^ 2) / (2 * b * c)) = ((P-B) (P-C) / BC
Where p = (a + B + C) / 2
Where p = (a + B + C) / 2

Problems of pronunciation in American English It's like water doesn't read t, it's a little D, and spring is a little D, please is Z, metal and medal, it sounds like ah, what's the rule of turbidity? We didn't learn it from America in school There is also bank change, which has a retronasal sound, but it doesn't feel like EI

Voiced consonants after vowels

On the pronunciation of I in English words

I'm an English teacher. I'd like to answer this question for you. 1. Both [i] and [e] in the international phonetic alphabet are pre vowels. The pronunciation characteristic of the front vowel is that the front of the tongue is moving. Generally, we divide the tongue into three parts: front, middle and back

What are the characteristics of American English pronunciation? Please answer in English, Please answer in English, at least 300 words,

Some other British English changes in which most North American dialects do not pa rticipate:The shift Before / F /, / S /, / stomach /, / E /, / Z /, / V / alone or preceded by

Pronunciation of American English How to pronounce the word jet 2. What is the word? [wow] or [waot] 3. Of? [ah v] or [Er v] 4. Shake?

W, er, t
Er V

English pronunciation e. How to distinguish the pronunciation of "an, love"?

What exactly does it mean?
Generally, the pronunciation of a vowel depends on its collocation and syllables
For example, we is a syllable, and the sound of / E / is pronounced at this time; if it is a separate we, it will be pronounced / I: I: if we is a syllable/
In fact, English pronunciation is how to come, because the creation of their own language is people's casual speech, so read more can find the law, try it

What's the sound of the in the antelope? Is it a vowel at the beginning?

Send out
Antelope begins with a vowel

On English pronunciation A. Wave b.save C.have d.gave. The pronunciation of a is different

C is the sound of [æ] and the rest is [EI]

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening in Spanish. How to pronounce it? How to say it when you answer the phone, how to write and how to say it? I want to learn Spanish by myself. Everyday language is OK. Who can give me some advice

buenos dias
buenas tardes
buenas noches
answer the phone...
All three of the above can be