If the ratio of the three inner angles of a triangle is 9:4:5, then the triangle is ()

If the ratio of the three inner angles of a triangle is 9:4:5, then the triangle is ()

The inner angles of the triangle are:
Obviously, this triangle is a right triangle

The ratio of the degrees of the three inner angles of a triangle is 7:2:1 If two-thirds of number a is equal to number B, then number A: number b = ()

The three angles are:
This is a (obtuse) triangle

The degrees of the two inner angles of a triangle are 30 degrees and 46 degrees respectively. The degree of the third inner angle of a triangle is () and it is a triangle with () angle

The degrees of the two inner angles of a triangle are 30 degrees and 46 degrees respectively, and the degree of the third internal angle is (104 degrees). It is a (blunt) angle triangle

The ratio of the inner angles of a triangle is 7:2:1, and this triangle is () A. Obtuse triangle B. Acute triangle C. Right triangle

10 = 126 degrees,
Because the maximum angle of the triangle is 126 degrees, the triangle is obtuse
Therefore, a

For a triangle, the degree ratio of the inner angles is 3:7:5. What are the inner angles of the triangle What triangle is this

Happy to answer for you! Hope to help you. Do not understand the place please ask, satisfied please adopt. Thank you!

The cosine of the base angle of an isosceles triangle is known to be 2 3, then the sine value of the vertex angle is () A. 2 Five Nine B. 4 Five Nine C. -4 Five Nine D. -2 Five Nine

If the base angle is α, then cos α = 2
3, the vertex angle is π - 2 α,
Therefore, B is selected

The cosine of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is known to be 4 5, then the sine value of the base angle of the triangle is () A. Ten Ten B. − Ten Ten C. 3 Ten Ten D. −3 Ten Ten

If the base angle of the triangle is α, then the top angle is 180 ° - 2 α
∵ α is the inner angle of the triangle
Therefore, C

It is known that the sine of a base angle of an isosceles triangle is equal to 5 / 13 Urgent,

So, let ad = 5, ab = 13, and BD = 12, then we can know the area of ABC. Using the area formula, s = 1 / 2Ab * ac * (Sina), we can know the sinusoidal pull of the angle A. then we can just judge the other angle A

Δ ABC is an isosceles right triangle, ∠ a = 90; points P and Q are moving points on AB and AC respectively, and satisfy BP = AQ, D

(1) It is proved that: the connection ad ∵ ABC is an isosceles right triangle, D is the midpoint of BC ∵ ad ⊥ BC, ad = BD = DC, ≌ DAQ = ∵ B and ∵ BP = AQ  BPD ≌ ≌ △ aqd ∵ PD = QD, ≌ ADQ = ∠ BDP

As shown in the figure, △ ABC is an isosceles right triangle, ∠ a = 90 ° and points P and Q are moving points on AB and AC respectively, and satisfy BP = AQ, D is the midpoint of BC (1) It is proved that △ PDQ is an isosceles right triangle; (2) When the point P moves to where, the quadrilateral apdq is square, and explain the reason

(1) It is proved that: connecting ad ∵ ABC is an isosceles right triangle, D is the midpoint of BC ∵ ad ⊥ BC, ad = BD = DC, ∵ DAQ = ∠ B. in △ BPD and △ aqd, BD = ad ∵ DBP ≌ ≌ △ aqd (SAS),  PD = QD, ∵ ADQ = ≌ ≌≌△ aqd (SAS), PD = QD, ∠ ADQ = ∠ BDP, ? BDP + ∠ ADP = 90 °