There are 27 boys in class 5 (2), and 2 girls are less than boys. What percentage of boys are the number of girls? What is the percentage of boys in the class? Main formula

There are 27 boys in class 5 (2), and 2 girls are less than boys. What percentage of boys are the number of girls? What is the percentage of boys in the class? Main formula

This is a question of "how many fractions of a number is another number". If the result can not be divided completely, it is expressed by fractions
The first question: 27-2 = 25 (person) 25 △ 27 = 25 / 27
The second question: 27 + 25 = 52 (person) 27 △ 52 = 27 / 52

There are 24 boys and 36 girls in a class? What percentage of the class is the number of girls?

The number of boys is the number of girls: 24 △ 36 = 2
The number of girls is in the whole class
A: the number of boys is 2% of that of girls
3. The number of girls is 3% of the class

There are 25 boys in a class, 5 more than girls. How many times is the number of boys? What percentage of girls are girls?

Female = 25-5 = 20, the number of girls is male
The number of boys is 25 ÷ 20 = 1.25 times that of girls
The number of girls is equal to that of boys = 20 × 25 = 4 / 5

The number of female students accounts for 5 / 6 of the total number of boys. There are 25 girls. What percentage of the total number of boys

25 / (5 / 6) = 30, 30 / (30 + 25) = 6 / 11
Male students account for 6 / 11 of the total

There are 25 boys and 20 girls. What is the percentage of boys and girls in the whole class? To calculate

Class size: 25 + 20 = 45 (person)
Boys in the total number of the class: 25 / 45 = 5 / 9
Female students in the total number of the class: 20 / 45 = 4 / 9

Boys are one sixth more than girls, and men and women account for a few percent of the total number

6 for women
7 for male
13 male
Female 6 / 13

The number of male students is 80% of that of girls. What percentage of the total number of girls? Why

Girls make up 5 / 9 of the total

Five sixths plus one half equals six parts plus six parts equals several parts

Five sixths plus one half is five sixths and three sixths is eight sixths and four thirds

One twentieth is a fraction plus a few


One sixth is a fraction plus a fraction. Write six
