What percentage is 1.75?

What percentage is 1.75?


What is 2.75 equal to

Eleven quarters or two and three quarters

What percentage is 5 percent

Five percent is one in twenty

Seventy five percent is equal to a few percent

Seventy five percent is 7.5 percent, or 75 percent

How much is 5-12 of 8-1 of 12,


What is 2 / 3-2 / 5 equal to?

2 / 3-2 / 5 equals 4 / 15
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What percentage is 3.5

350 / 100 = 35 / 10 = 7 / 2,7 / 2

Five centimeters is a fraction of a decimeter

It depends on the number of 10cm (1 decimeter) in 5cm
5/10 = 1/2
Therefore, 5 cm into decimeter is 1 / 2 decimeter

Nine centimeters is a fraction of a meter

It's nine tenths of a meter
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125 cm is a fraction of a meter To fill in the simplest score

Five quarters of a meter