One and seven thirds is a fraction of twenty fast

One and seven thirds is a fraction of twenty fast


A fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction is ten tenths of the time

One fifth, one quarter, one half

Fill in the whole number so that the equation of fifty-nine of seventy equals a fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction

Think of it this way:
1. Write 70 as prime factor multiplication form: 70 = 5 × 7 × 10
2. Because: 59 = 35 + 24 + 10

Twenty one ten equals a fraction plus a fraction? Who knows about prawns?!


16:00 is a fraction of a day

16 △ 24 = 2 / 3 (day)
16:00 is two thirds of a day

1.16 is a fraction, 7.5 is a fraction, 8.37 is a fraction, and 0.0011 is a fraction. How do you calculate it

Calculation method
There are several places after the decimal point, and then there are several zeros after the denominator 1

A fraction times a fraction equals one in two

One in one times one in two equals one in two

Two fifths of a kilogram is a fraction of a gram

One hundredth of a gram

How many kilograms is fifteen grams?


125 grams is a fraction of a kilogram

125 grams is one eighth of a kilogram