643 cm is a fraction of a meter

643 cm is a fraction of a meter

643 cm equals 643 meters in 100

What percentage is 7.25

7.25 is equal to 7 and 1 / 4 = 29 / 4

How much is four yuan and seven jiao

Four yuan and seventy cents is forty-seven cents of ten yuan

How much is seven out of seven

7 out of 7 = 1
7 of 7 = 2 of 2 = 3 of 3 = 4 of 4 = 5 of 5 =

How much is six twenty-five times one-third

Six fifths times one-third equals two fifths

Six divided by seven is a fraction of a meter What is six out of seven equal to six divided by seven

Six divided by seven is six out of seven

Eight equals seven and a few parts equals six and parts equals thirty-two【

8 equals 7 and 7 / 7, 7 equals 6 / 12, 6 equals 32 / 4, equals 16 / 2
Remember to adopt it

How much is 3 / 5 + 7 / 8 + 8 / 6?

3 / 5 + 7 / 8 + 8 / 6
= 3/5 + 7/8 + 8/6
= 3/5 + 7/8 + 4/3
= ( 72 + 105+ 160) /120
= 337 /120
It's 337 out of 120

If the students in class 51 are transferred from 1 / 5 to 52, the number of students in the two classes will be equal. What percentage of the number of students in class 52 is in class 51?

If the number of class 51 is x and the number of class 52 is y, then x (1-1 / 5) = y + X / 5, then y = 3x / 5. That is to say, the original number of class 52 is 3 / 5 of class 51

Transfer the six year class to one After 5 years, the number of students in class 2 of 6 years is equal to that of class 2 of 6 years A. 2 Five B. 3 Five C. 4 Five

If the number of students in class 1 of grade 6 is regarded as 5, then the number of students in class 2 of grade 6 is 5-1 = 4,
A: the number of students in class two in six years is 4 in class 1 in six years
Therefore, C