When to use combination formula and when to use permutation formula? Don't give me from Baidu Encyclopedia to get that entry to me, I want to tell me specifically, an example, I understand

When to use combination formula and when to use permutation formula? Don't give me from Baidu Encyclopedia to get that entry to me, I want to tell me specifically, an example, I understand

This needs to be analyzed in detail, but generally there is a principle, just like their names, "combination" means grouping, without considering position relationship; while "arrangement" should consider not only grouping, but also location. For example, if nine people are divided into three groups, then combination is used; while for nine people standing in three rows, arrangement is used, because position relationship must be considered when standing in a row

How much time difference is there between India local time and Beijing time? For example: India local time is 14:00 p.m., Beijing time is what time, how much difference?

e. G. 14:00 PM India time, 16:30 PM Beijing time
That's right. It's exactly two and a half o'clock, so it's about 10 o'clock in the evening. It's already midnight in China

For example, the actual distance of longitude and latitude, the time of time difference What's the skill? What's the formula It's better to have examples

Because the latitude lines are parallel lines, the distance between them is equal, and the difference is about 111 kilometers. For example, from the equator to 10 degrees north latitude, the distance is about 1110 kilometers

How to calculate the time difference of geographical time zone is OK. It's better to illustrate it with examples

Calculated time zone = known zone time - (time zone of known zone time - time zone of zone time to be calculated), (Note: the eastern zone is positive and the western zone is negative)
Example 1: it is known that Tokyo (East 9) time is 13:00 on May 1. What is the district time of Beijing (East 8 District)?
Beijing time = 13:00 - (9-8) = 12:00 (Beijing time is 12:00 on May 1)
Example 2: it is known that Beijing time is 12:00 on May 1. What is the district time of London (central time zone)?
London time = 12:00 - (8-0) = 4:00 (London time is 4:00 on May 1)
Example 3: it is known that Beijing time is 12:00 on May 1. What is the district time of New York (West five District)?
New York time = 12:00 - [8 - (- 5)] = - 1:00 + 24:00-1 day = 23:00 (i.e. New York time is 23:00 on April 30). (Note: when the calculated area time is negative, 24:00 should be added, and the date minus one day, that is, from May 1 to April 30)
Example 4: it is known that the New York time is 12:00 on May 1?
Tokyo time = 12:00 - [(- 5) - 9] = 26:00-24:00 + 1 day = 2:00), that is, Tokyo time is 2:00 on May 2. (Note: when the calculated area time is greater than or equal to 24:00, 24:00 should be subtracted, and the date plus one day is changed from May 1 to May 2)
Judging the old and new days depends on two lines
One is the artificial date line of 180 degrees
The second is the natural dividing line, which is the meridional line at 0:00 local time
The date passing 0 o'clock is added one day from west to East
One day from west to East after 180 degrees

How much is the difference between New York time and Beijing time? How to calculate the time difference? It's a little confusing. I hope you can give me a simple method

The time difference between Beijing and New York is 13 hours
(daylight saving time is implemented from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October, which is 12 hours short
New York time = Beijing time minus 13 hours (daylight saving time minus 12 hours)
For example, it is 10:20 on July 29, 2013, and 22:20 on July 28, 2013 in New York

The following table lists the time difference between several foreign cities and Beijing ("- 1" means that the time is one hour earlier than Beijing time). The current Beijing time is 8:00 a.m (1) What's the time in Tokyo now? (2) Bin Bin wants to call his aunt in Paris now. Do you think it's appropriate? City time difference / hour New York - 13 Paris-7 Tokyo + 1 Chicago - 14

(1) 8 + 1 = 9,
Now Tokyo time is 9 a.m;
The time in Paris is 1 o'clock in the morning, and my aunt is sleeping

After rearranging the four digit numbers, some new four digit numbers can be obtained. The existing four digit m is 7956 smaller than the largest one in the new number and 396 larger than the smallest one in the new number. Find the four digit number and briefly explain the reason. (the four digits of M can be the same, but excluding the digit 0)

If the largest four digits of the composition are x, then x = m + 7956; if the minimum four digits of the composition are y, then y = m-396x-y = 7956 + 396 = 8352, and the highest order of difference is 8, then the highest digit of X is 9, and the highest order of Y is 1

How does permutation formula deduce combination formula? Please give detailed explanation, thank you! It's better to explain the proof process of permutation formula!

The permutation formula is to establish a model, take M elements from n different elements and arrange them into a column (in order). The first position can have n choices, the second position can have n-1 choices (one has been placed in the previous position), then the third position can have n-2 choices, and so on, the M position can have N-M + 1 choice, then the permutation number a (n m) = n * (n-1) * (n-2)... * (n-m + 1)
According to the definition of factorial, a (n m) = [n * (n-1) * (n-2)... * (n-m + 1)] * [(n-m) * (n-m-1)... * 1] / [(n-m) * (n-m-1)... * 1]
A (n, m) = n! / (n-m)!
The combination formula corresponds to another model. Taking m elements into a group (disorder), we can consider permutation a (n, m). Because a group of M elements can have m! Different permutations (Full Permutation a (m m) = m!), the total number of combinations is a (n m) / m!
That is, C (n m) = a (n m) / m! = n! / [M! * (n-m)!]

Any three of the six numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be selected to form a three digit number. What are the combination methods? The formula is required

1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 2 6
One hundred and thirty-four
One hundred and thirty-five
One hundred and thirty-six
One hundred and forty-five
One hundred and forty-six
One hundred and fifty-six
Two hundred and thirty-four
Two hundred and thirty-five
Two hundred and thirty-six
Two hundred and forty-five
Two hundred and forty-six
Two hundred and fifty-six
Three hundred and forty-five
Three hundred and forty-six
Three hundred and fifty-six
Four hundred and fifty-six
There are 20 kinds of combinations! Each of them can form 3! = 6 different three digit numbers, so there are 20 * 6 = 120 numbers
In fact, P (6,3) = 6 * 5 * 4 = 120!

How many different three digits can 12345 make up

If the numbers can be repeated, there are: 5 × 5 × 5 = 125
If the numbers can not be repeated, there are: 5 × 4 × 3 = 60