1999 students in a row, from the front to the end of the line 1 to 3, and then from the end of the line to the front 1 to 4 1999 students in a row, from the front to the end of the line 1 to 3, and then from the end of the line to the front 1 to 4. How many of them reported 1 twice

1999 students in a row, from the front to the end of the line 1 to 3, and then from the end of the line to the front 1 to 4 1999 students in a row, from the front to the end of the line 1 to 3, and then from the end of the line to the front 1 to 4. How many of them reported 1 twice

There were 167 times in 12 cycles

1999 students in a row, from the front row to the end of the line 1 to 3, and then from the end of the line to the top 1 to 3. How many people reported 1 twice?


2009 students stand in a row, from the front to the end of the line 1 to 4, and then from the end to the front 1 to 5, how many people report 3 twice

1. The integer quotient of 1, 4, 3, 22009 / 4 is 502

29 students queued up for 1 or 2 to report the number, 1 quit, and then reported. In this cycle, how many left To process

Kill all odd numbers for the first time
Take out all 2K + 1's for the second time
Take out all 4K + 1's for the third time
Take out all 8K + 1's for the fourth time
The last thing left is 2 ^ n
The 16th is left

1000 children stand in a row and start counting 1, 2, 3 from the beginning, and sit down after reporting 2 and 3; and then the children standing are counting 1, 2, 3 from the beginning Sit down After doing this four times, there are still () children standing A、15 B、12 C、9 D、6

All four answers are wrong. The answer should be 13. It's very simple to divide 1000 people into 1 group for every 3 people, each group is divided into 1.2.3, 1000 people are divided into 333 group, zero one person, the person below zero is No. 1, only the No. 1 of each group needs to stand, the first round down stands 333 + 1 No. 1, that is 334 people, the rest of the analogy, the second time stand 111 + 1 person

Many children are arranged in a line. For the first time, the number from left to right is 1 to 3, and that of the rightmost child is 1; the second time is from right to left, 1-4, and the leftmost If there are 3 children who report 2 twice, how many children are there?

For the first time, the number of children from left to right 1 to 3, the rightmost child 1; the second time from right to left 1-4, the leftmost child also reported 1
If there are three children who report 2 twice, it means that the common multiple appears three times. The number of children is three times of the least common multiple of 3 and 4
Therefore, the formula is 3x4x3 + 1 = 37

2005 children are arranged in a line from left to right. For the first time, they report numbers 1 to 3 from left to right, and the second time from right to left 1 to 5. Then, how many children report 2 times?

Number 2005 children from 1 to 2005
It can be seen that for the first time from left to right, 1-3, 2, 5, 8... 2003.2005 were reported as 2
In other words, when the general item of the number is an = 3n-1, the number reported is 2
The second time from left to right, 1 to 5, 2, 7, 12... 2002
That is, when BN = 5n-3 is the general item, the number is 2
In order to make the number of two calls be 2, that is to find the same term of an and BN
The first is 2
Let: 3t-1 = 5n-3
Then t = (5n-2) / 3
We know that 5n-2 must be a multiple of 3,
At the same time, an and BN were less than 2005
So n

2011 students are arranged from small to large according to their numbers. If the students with odd numbers leave the team, repeat them in turn. What number of students are left?

This problem can be translated into: what is the nth power of the largest 2 less than 2011
The answer is 1024

A total of 2009 students were arranged in a row according to the number 123.2009 from small to large, so that the students in odd number were separated from each other

The title should be: 2009 individuals stand in a row, from 1 to report in turn, the odd number of people left the team, the rest of the people according to the original order again from 1, everyone who reported odd left the team, according to this repeatedly reported, left, reported When there is only one person left, he will no longer count. How many times did the remaining one report for the first time?
one thousand and twenty-four
Because he always stands in the 0-10 power position of 2, he will not leave the team within 2048 people

2004 students according to the number 1, 2, 3... In a row, let the odd number students leave, repeat the above operation in turn, then the last student starts

Because he always stands in the position of 0 ~ 10 power of 2, he will not leave the team for the first time