-3 / 4, 5 / 7, - 10 / 9, 17 / 13, - 33 / 16 to find the law, what is the number 2012

-3 / 4, 5 / 7, - 10 / 9, 17 / 13, - 33 / 16 to find the law, what is the number 2012

The third number should be - 9 / 10
The denominator is an arithmetic sequence with a tolerance of 3
The general formula is 4 + 3 (n-1) = 3N + 1
Item 2012: 2012 * 3 + 1 = 6037
The molecule is
So the general formula of the molecule is: 2 ^ n-1
Then item 2012 is: 2 ^ 2012 + 1
In this sequence, the odd number is negative and the even number is positive,
Item 2012 is even,
So item 2012 is:
I hope my answer will help you. Have a good study

According to a certain rule, the number of a column is: 3, - 5 / 3, 9 / 5, - 17 / 7, 33 / 9, - 65 / 11 The number of a column arranged according to a certain rule is 3, - 5 / 3, 9 / 5, - 17 / 7, 33 / 9, - 65 / 11 According to this rule, the tenth number is_________ The nth number is -——————


What are the rules of 33, 17, 9, 5, 3, and ()

33、17、9、5、3、(1 )

According to a certain rule, the order of the number of a column is: - 2, 5, - 10, 17, - 26 According to this rule, the ninth number in this column is______ .

Odd numbers are negative, even numbers are positive
The absolute value of the first number is 12 + 1 = 2,
The absolute value of the second number is 22 + 1 = 5,
The absolute value of the third number is 32 + 1 = 10,
The absolute value of the ninth number is 92 + 1 = 82,
So the ninth number in this column is - 82
So the answer is: - 82

The number of columns is 2,1,0.5,0.25 What is the seventh number in such a regular arrangement?

So the fifth number is: 0.25 △ 2 = 0.125;
The sixth number is: 0.125 △ 2 = 0.0625;
The number is 0.032
A: the seventh number is 0.03125

The number of regular columns: 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27 The 2011 number in this column is______ .

Item 2011 is:
2+3+4+… +2012,
So the answer is: 2025077

A. B. C. D. four people form a circle and report the number in turn. A; 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4. If the report goes on like this, who reported "27" emergency

The number reported by each person was 4N + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

In extracurricular activities, a, B, C, D, form a circle to report the number, a newspaper 1, B report 2, C report 3, D report 4, so that each person reported more than the previous person. Do you know, do you know who reported 103? Who reported 240?

103 is C, 240 is d

The answer I got is 27. How can someone say it is wrong There are 40 students standing in a row in front of the teacher, counting off from 1 in turn. After counting off, the teacher asks the students who count as multiple of four to turn back, and then ask the students who report the multiple of 6 to turn back. At this time, how many people are facing the teacher?

From 1 to 40, the multiples of 4 are: 40  ̄ 4 = 10, and the multiples of 6 are: 40  ̄ 4 = 8, which are both multiples of 4 and 2 multiples of 6. The students who do not turn at one time are: 40 - (10 + 8-2) = 24, and there are 3 students who turn twice, so there are still 24 + 3 = 27 students facing teachers
We can also think of it this way: there are 10 students who start to turn backward (that is, the students who turn back to the teacher), and then there are 8 students who report the number as multiple of 6. Among them, the three students who report 12, 24 and 36 have already turned backward, and then turn backward for the second time. As a result, they face the teacher again, but they report 6, 18 and 30 for the first time, They are back to the teacher. So there are still some people who are back to the teacher, so there are: 40-13 = 27 people facing the teacher
Don't you know!

Four children, a, B, C and D, play the counting game according to the following order from 1: report a 1, report 2, report 3, report 4, report 5, report 6 Report a 7, B 8, C 9 In this way, who reported the number of 2003? 6. A long row of colored lights were hung on the street of the festival. There were 2013 lights in total. Starting from the first one, they were continuously arranged according to five red lights, four yellow lights, three blue lights and two green lights. Question: (1) what color is the 1982 light? (2) how many blue lights are there?

The number of 2003 is reported by C: A, B, C, D;
C, B, a
B, C
A total of 9 cycles, 2003 / 9 = 222.5 (remainder 5: A, B, C, D, c), so it is C
The 1982 lamp is yellow: 1982 / (5 + 4 + 3 + 2) = 141.8
The remainder is 8: 5 red lights, 4 yellow lights, so it's yellow
There are 431 blue lights: 2013 / 14 = 143.11, the remainder is 11:5 red lights, 4 yellow lights, 2 blue lights