There are 47 students in a row. 1 to 3 count off, and the last student reports how many students are there in this team? The students who report one step forward and stand in a line?

There are 47 students in a row. 1 to 3 count off, and the last student reports how many students are there in this team? The students who report one step forward and stand in a line?

47 / 3 = 15 more than 2, indicating that the last reported 2, there are 15 1

26 students in a row to do exercises, the teacher asked to press one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four The teacher asked the students to take two steps forward, Stand in a line. How many people are there in this team?

26 divided by 4 is equal to 6 more than 2, indicating that only four groups can complete the 1-4 report. One group has a "3", that is, one person, a total of 6. There are only two people left, and it is impossible to report to "3". Therefore, 6 people

There are 20 students in a line. If you report from left to right, one person will report the number of Xiao Li Bao; if you are from the right to the left, there will be 2 people to report the number of Xiao Chen Bao Then Xiao Chen began to report to Xiao Li one by one. The numbers of Xiao Li's newspaper were a, 11 b, 12 C, 13 D, 14

From the known, according to the code from 1 to 20, Xiao Chen stands at position 5 and Xiao Li stands at position 15. If Xiao Chen is No. 1, count to the right in turn, Xiao Li is No. 11

200 students in a line, from left to right number 1 to 200, and then from left to right, press one or two to count off, one to leave the team, The rest of them continue to count the number one or two, or they will leave the team until there is one left in the team. What's the number of the last one left

The multiples of the first round 2 remain
Even multiple of the second round 2 remains
Even multiple of the third round 4 remains
Even multiples of 8 in the fourth round remain
Even multiples of 16 in the fifth round
Even times of 32 in the sixth round, there are only 3 on the field, that is 32 * 4 of course

2018 students, the first time from left to right 1-3, the second time from right to left 1-5, the third time from left to right 1-5, and the third time, etc How many students are there in the sum of the previous reports How many students are the sum of the numbers reported above

2018÷(3×5)=134…… 8,
2018÷3=676…… 2, then the right end is 12312312;
2018÷5=403…… 3. After counting 1-5 from right to left, the left end is 32154321;
From the left end, three times of counting is: the first 123123123123123123
The second time: 321543215432154
The third time: 123451234512345
It can be seen that the number reported by two students for the third time is equal to the sum of the previous reports, and one of the top eight students reported the number of the third time;
Therefore, there are 134 × 2 + 1 = 269 students

How many students did the first report from left to right 1-3 and the second time from right to left 1-5. How many students did the sum of the two reports equal to 5?

The results show that the number of the first number ending with 1 is 1. Every 3 × 5 = 15 repetitions of the second frequency, the number that appears and is 5 is 3, and it is 2, 3 and 4 in each repetition
(133 + 1) x 3 = 402

In the physical education class, 40 students stand in a line facing the teacher and count off from left to right according to the teacher's command: 1, 2, 3 ·· In P.E. class, 40 students stand in a line facing the teacher and report the number from left to right according to the teacher's command: 1, 2, 3 ··. Then, the teacher asked the students whose number was multiple of 4 to turn backward, and then asked the students whose number was multiple of 5 to turn backward. Finally, how many students face the teacher now?

Multiple of 4: 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40
Multiple of 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40
Multiple of 6: 6,12,18,24,30,36
So 40-19 = 21

In P. E. class, the whole class stood in a row and counted according to 1 to 5 In P.E. class, the whole class stood in a row and counted according to 1 to 5, and those who reported to 5 were listed. The rest of the students still counted according to 1 to 5, and the students who also reported for 5 were listed. After 6 rounds of this, there were still 19 people left in the class, so the total number of students in the class might be () A.114 B.82 C.74 D.66

There were 23 at the end of the fifth round
There were 28 at the end of the fourth round
There were 35 or 34 at the end of the third round
There were 43 or 42 at the end of the second round
There were 53 or 52 at the end of the first round
There were 66 or 65 at the beginning

There are 140 children in a row, from left to right 1 to 3, from right to left 1 to 4, the sum of the two reported numbers is 5, a total of several people

From left to right 1 to 3 report 123123123123.12312312 (140 / 3 = 46... 2) 1 to 4 from right to left 432143214321.43214321 (140 / 4 = 35) and 555 555 from left to right, every 12 people are in a cycle, three of them meet the condition in question

In P. E. class, class 6 (2) is arranged in a row. For the first time, Mr. Huang's students report the number according to 1-2, the second time by 1-3, and the second time by 1-3 He asked Xiao Ming, who was at the bottom of the list, how many students did you report each time? Xiaoming said, "I've always reported 1 every time. Mr. Huang said, I know. Your class is absent today. How many students are there in this class?