What is the sum of 20 and the quotient of 7 / 20 divided by 7 / 2?

What is the sum of 20 and the quotient of 7 / 20 divided by 7 / 2?

7 / 20 divided by 7 / 2 = 7 / 20x2 / 7 = 1 / 10 = 0.1

What is the product of 10 and the quotient of 3.5 divided by 0.7 multiplied by one fifth


What is the quotient of the sum of 20 146 divided by 315 I've listed the formula, but it doesn't work. I use: 20 × 146 ÷ 315 = 2920 ÷ 315 cannot be divided

First of all, what is your grade and what is the purpose of this question? Is the result a false score

What is the quotient of 10.2 minus 2.5 divided by the product of 20% and 2? Is it 16.25 or 9 and 5 / 8 1. The engineering team completed a section of road in three days. On the first day, it was 9 / 10 of the second day, and on the third day, it was 6 / 5 times of the second day. It is known that the third day was 270 meters longer than the first day. How many meters is this section of road?


(1) Subtract 20 from half of a number, and the difference is 3.5. Find this number. (2) what is the result of the quotient of 3.6 divided by 0.24, plus the product of 5 times 1.8?

(1) Subtract 20 from half of a number and the difference is 3.5. Find this number
(2) 3.6 divided by the quotient of 0.24, plus the product of 5 times 1.8, what is the result?
3.6÷0.24+5 × one point eight

3.24 divided by 0.6, what is the product of 5.7 times 1.1?

Result = 3.24 / (0.6 * 5.7 * 1.1)