How much is infinitesimal multiplied by infinity? Original question: when x tends to infinity, find the limit of e ^ (- x) multiplied by x ^ n (n is a natural number)

How much is infinitesimal multiplied by infinity? Original question: when x tends to infinity, find the limit of e ^ (- x) multiplied by x ^ n (n is a natural number)

0, because the exponential function tends to zero
You can use lobida's law to find n derivatives, and the limit becomes n/ (e ^ x), so it's zero

What is infinity plus infinity For example, LIM (x →∞) (1 / x + e ^ x). It can be seen from the graph that it is infinite, or it can be known that it is infinite by taking numbers into calculation, but how should this problem be solved, In addition, LIM (x → - ∞) (1 / x + e ^ x)

Infinity plus infinity equals infinity

What is infinity divided by infinity

-1. Infinity is a positive number and infinity is a negative number. These two are opposite numbers. The sum is 0 and the division is negative 1

What is the infinitesimal power of infinitesimal? 0^∞ =0

Yes 0, correct

Is infinitesimal a limit

Generally speaking, you can say so; Strictly speaking, we can't say so. 1. Infinitesimal is a process tending to 0, which is the process of taking the limit; The process of taking the limit can be the process tending to any number, including the process tending to infinity and the process tending to infinity. 2. If x tends to a certain number, it is

Is the limit of infinitesimal 0?

There is no saying whether it is the limit at one point or the limit at infinity. At infinity, the positive infinitesimal is 0 and the negative infinitesimal is infinitesimal