A number is added, subtracted and divided with itself, and its sum, difference and quotient are added again. The sum is 8.6. What is this number?

A number is added, subtracted and divided with itself, and its sum, difference and quotient are added again. The sum is 8.6. What is this number?

Let this number be x; From the meaning of the question: (x + x) + (x-x) + (x ÷ x) = 8.6,                     2x+1=8.6,    & n...

A number is added, subtracted, multiplied and divided by itself to obtain 256. What is this number?

Let this number be X
From the meaning of the question:

A number is added, subtracted, divided, and its sum, difference, and quotient result is 21.4. What is this number?

Let this number X

The product of a decimal multiplied by itself and divided by itself equals 1.01. What is this number?

The quotient obtained by dividing is 1, so the product of this decimal multiplied by itself is 1.01-1 = 0.01
Because 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.01,
So this decimal is 0.1

There is a decimal to add, subtract, multiply and divide with yourself. Add up the sum, difference, product and quotient, which is equal to 1.25 correct

The addition is twice the original, the subtraction is 0, the multiplication is its own square, and the division is 1

When a decimal is multiplied and subtracted by itself, the sum of product and difference is equal to 0.36. What is this decimal?

The difference between a decimal and itself is 0, which means that the product of this decimal multiplied by itself is 0.36
I studied equations in Grade 5 of primary school. I was a teacher, so I made an equation
Let: a be the decimal. According to the above contents, the formula can be: a * a = 0.36, resulting in a = 0.6