What is the quotient of the sum of 2 and 1 / 2 and its reciprocal divided by the product of 1.25 and 4 / 5? This is a determinant calculation

What is the quotient of the sum of 2 and 1 / 2 and its reciprocal divided by the product of 1.25 and 4 / 5? This is a determinant calculation


I and I add, subtract, multiply, divide, and add up the difference product quotient to get 81. Do you know what I am?

Sum of me and me = 2 * me
Subtraction = 0
Multiply = me * me
Division = 1
SO 2 * I + I * I + 1 = 81
I * I + 2 * I - 80 = 0
(I-8) * (I + 10) = 0
So I = 8 or I = - 10

After a number is added, subtracted, multiplied and divided, the sum of sum, difference, product and quotient is 100. What is this number?


The sum of sum, difference, product and quotient obtained by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing a number and itself is 169. What is this number?

The sum, difference, product and quotient of a number and its own addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are 2x, 0 and x square and 1 respectively, so
To solve the equation:
X = 12 or - 14

There is a number that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides itself. The sum of the results is 81. This number is __

Let this number be x, from the meaning of the question:
At this time, we need to explore: when a number is multiplied by a number 2 larger than itself, the product is 80,
You can quickly figure out that the number is 8, that is, when x = 8, the formula holds;
A: this number is 8;
So the answer is: 8

3. When a number is multiplied, added, subtracted and divided by itself, the sum of the four numbers is 100. What is this number? How to calculate without unknowns?

Because a number minus itself is 0; Divide a number by yourself and you get 1
So the problem of the landlord is actually that a number is multiplied and added with itself. The sum of the two numbers plus 1 is 100
In other words, a number is multiplied and added with itself, and the sum of the two numbers is 99
The number is 9