It is known that the area of the isosceles triangle ABC is 5 and the height ad on the bottom edge is √ 5. Find its circumference Please

It is known that the area of the isosceles triangle ABC is 5 and the height ad on the bottom edge is √ 5. Find its circumference Please

If the area is the base * the height, we can get the BC length 2 √ 5. From its isosceles triangle, we can know that three lines are in one, and the height is the middle line. So BD = BC = √ 5, and ad = √ 5. According to the Pythagorean theorem AB = AC = √ 10, the circumference is 2 √ 5 + 2 √ 10

In the triangle ABC, De is the vertical bisector of AC, AE = 3 cm, and the circumference of triangle abd is 13 cm Thanks for your help Point D is next to BC

19? It seems that the question is not clear. Where is the D point? Is it on the AB side or DC side? Or is it not on the triangle side at all
On the side of BC
Circumference of triangle abd = AB + DB + CD = AB + BC = 13
Triangle ABC perimeter = AB + BC + AC = 19

(2005 · Hohhot) it is known that the circumference of isosceles △ ABC is 18cm, BC = 8cm. If △ ABC ≌ △ a ′ B ′ C ', then there must be an edge in △ a ′ B ′ C ′ equal to () A. 7cm B. 2cm or 7cm C. 5cm D. 2cm or 5cm

(1) In isosceles △ ABC, if BC = 8cm is the base, the waist length can be 18 − 82 = 5cm according to the calculation formula of triangle circumference; (2) in the isosceles △ ABC, if BC = 8cm is the waist, according to the calculation formula of triangle circumference, we can get the bottom edge length 18-2 × 8 = 2cm ∵ ≌ ≌ △ a ′ B ′ C ′, ≌ ≌ △ a ′ B ′ C ′, and △ ABC

In the triangle ABC, De is the vertical bisector of AC, AE = 3cm, and the circumference of triangle abd is 13cm

∵ de vertical bisection
/ / ad = CD [the distance from the point on the vertical bisector to both ends of the line segment is equal]
Triangle abd perimeter = AB + AD + BD
Triangle ABC perimeter = (AB + BC) + AC = 13 + 6 = 19cm

In the isosceles triangle ABC, the median line BD on one waist AC divides the circumference of the triangle into two parts: 9cm and 15cm, and calculates the waist length and base length of the triangle

Let the waist length be x, 1) when the waist length and half of the waist length are 9cm, x + 12x = 9, x = 6, so the bottom edge = 15-12 × 6 = 12, ∵ 6 + 6 = 12, ᙽ 6cm, 6cm, 12cm can not form a triangle; ② when the waist length and half of the waist length are 15cm, x + 12x = 15, x = 10, so, bottom = 9-12 × 10 = 4, so

Isosceles trapezoid circumference is 48 cm, area is 96 square centimeter, height is 8 centimeter, how many centimeter is waist length?

=12 (CM)
A: the waist length is 12 cm

Isosceles trapezoid circumference is 48 cm, area is 96 square centimeter, height is 8 centimeter, how many centimeter is waist length?

=12 (CM)
A: the waist length is 12 cm

If the circumference of an isosceles trapezoid is 48 cm, the area is 96 cm, and the height is 8 cm, then the waist length is

(upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2 = 96 (upper bottom + lower bottom) = 24 circumference = upper bottom + lower bottom + two waist = (48-24) × 2 = 12

Isosceles trapezoid circumference is 48 cm, area is 96 square centimeter, height is 8 centimeter, how many centimeter is waist length?

=12 (CM)
A: the waist length is 12 cm

Isosceles trapezoid circumference is 48 cm, area is 96 square centimeter, height is 8 centimeter, how many centimeter is waist length?

=12 (CM)
A: the waist length is 12 cm