Let the waist length of an isosceles triangle with perimeter a (a > 0) be x and its bottom edge be y. try to express y as a function of X and find out Let the waist length of an isosceles triangle with perimeter a (a > 0) be x and its bottom edge be y. try to express it as a function of X, and find its definition domain and value range`

Let the waist length of an isosceles triangle with perimeter a (a > 0) be x and its bottom edge be y. try to express y as a function of X and find out Let the waist length of an isosceles triangle with perimeter a (a > 0) be x and its bottom edge be y. try to express it as a function of X, and find its definition domain and value range`

The waist length is x and the bottom edge is y
So a = 2x + y
So y = - 2x + a
The sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third
So x + x > y
That is, 2x > - 2x + a
At the same time, Y > 0
So - 2x + a > 0

The waist length of an isosceles triangle is () A. 13cm B. 16cm C. 22cm D. 16cm or 22cn

Let the waist length be xcm,
① When AB > BC, ab-bc = 9, then BC = (X-9) cm,
ν 2x + X-9 = 57, x = 22,
② When AB < BC, bc-ab = 9, then BC = (x + 9) cm,
ν 2x + X + 9 = 57, x = 16,
Therefore, D

The middle line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides its circumference into 33cm and 24cm. Can we get out of the isosceles triangle

Let the waist length be a and the bottom length B
Then there are
The result of solution

The median line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides its circumference into two parts, 12 cm and 7 cm, and calculates the length of each side

If the waist length is x and the base length is y, according to the meaning of the title, X / 2 + x = 12x / 2 + y = 7x / 2 + x = 12x + 2x = 243x = 24x = 88 / 2 + y = 74 + y = 7Y = 7Y = 3, another case: X / 2 + x = 7x / 2 + y = 12x / 2 + x = 7x + 2x = 143x = 14x = 14 / 3 (14 / 3) / 2 + y = 127 / 3 + y = 12Y = 12-7 / 3 = 29 / 314 / 3 + 14 / 3

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 25 cm. The middle line on a waist divides its circumference into two parts: 3:2, and calculates the base length of the triangle requirement: For example: ∵ xxxxx ∴xxxx …… Don't let others solve the equation! No equations!

There is only one possibility
∵ the perimeter is divided into 3:2 parts
ν one part is 25 * 3 / 5 = 15cm, and the other part is 10cm
If the waist length is 15cm, the waist length is 5cm longer than the bottom edge
Let the waist length be x 2x + (X-5) = 25
If a part of the bottom edge is 15cm, the bottom edge is 5cm longer than the waist
This is not true

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 24 cm. Its waist and bottom are 7 to 10. What are the waist and bottom of this triangle

The waist is 7 and the bottom is 10

Isosceles triangle has a circumference of 90 cm and a base length of 24 cm. How many centimeters is the waist length of this triangle?

I love you too much,
=33 cm
A: the waist length of this triangle is 33 cm

It is known that the middle line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides the circumference of the triangle into two parts, 30 and 24. The waist and bottom of the isosceles triangle are calculated

Let the waist length be X
Two cases
①x+ 1/2 x=30
The bottom is 24 - 1 / 2 x = 14
In accordance with the meaning of the topic
②x+ 1/2 x=24
The bottom is 30 - 1 / 2 x = 12
In accordance with the meaning of the topic

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 48 cm. Its base length is 14 cm. How long is its waist?

(48-14) △ 2 = 17cm

An isosceles triangle has a circumference of 124cm, a base length of 24cm and a waist length of CM For example, 1 + x = 2 1 + X-1 = 2-1 x = 1

Waist length x cm