The circumference of isosceles triangle is 20cm. Write the functional relationship between the base length YCM and waist length xcm (x is the independent variable) (2) write the value range of the independent variable

The circumference of isosceles triangle is 20cm. Write the functional relationship between the base length YCM and waist length xcm (x is the independent variable) (2) write the value range of the independent variable


Given that the circumference of isosceles triangle is 20cm, write the functional relationship between the base length YCM and waist length xcm The circumference of isosceles triangle is known to be 20 cm (1) Write the functional relationship between the base length YCM and the waist length xcm (x is the independent variable)


Let X be the waist length of the triangle, and let X be the waist length of the triangle


The circumference of isosceles triangle is 50cm. If the base side length is xcm and the waist length is YCM, find the function analytic formula of Y and X and the value range of independent variable x

X + 2Y = 50, so y = 1 / 2 (50-x)
x> 0, Y > 0, so x is X

For an isosceles triangle with a circumference of 80 cm and a waist length of YCM and a base length of xcm, the functional relationship between X and Y is "the value range of independent variable X"?

x+2y = 80
The functional relationship between X and Y is y = - 1 / 2 x + 40
The sum of two sides is greater than the third: 2Y > X
Value range of independent variable x (0,40)

It is known that the circumference of isosceles triangle is 10cm, and the waist length of one side is xcm. Find the value range of X

Because the circumference is 10
So the bottom is 10-2x
Because the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third
So there are two inequalities: x10-2x
Five out of two

The circumference of isosceles triangle is known to be 10cm. If the waist length is xcm and the base length is YCM, the value range of Y is set! How to calculate

Because it is a triangle, Y > 0. And because the sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third side, the sum of two equal sides and 2x = 10-y > y leads to y

If the circumference of isosceles triangle is known to be 10cm, the relationship between the base length YCM and the waist length xcm is y = 10-2x, then the value range of its independent variable x is () A. 0<x<5 B. 2.5<x<5 C. All real numbers D. x>0

According to the trilateral relationship of the triangle, it is concluded that:
2x>10−2x ,
The solution is: 2.5 < x < 5
Therefore, B

If the circumference of isosceles triangle is 24cm and the waist length is xcm, then the value range of X is___ .

The bottom edge is 24-2x
2x>24-2x 24-2x>0
So 12 > x > 6

An isosceles triangle has a circumference of 24cm, a waist length of YCM and a base length of xcm (1) What is the functional relation of Y with respect to x (2) Value range of independent variable x

(1) Y = 12-2 / 1 x
(2) 12 less than x less than 24