1 / 7 of root number plus root number 28 minus root number 700

1 / 7 of root number plus root number 28 minus root number 700

1 / 7 of root number plus root number 28 minus root number 700

If m, n (M is greater than or equal to 0) satisfies 3 times root number m plus 5 times absolute value of n = 7, x = 2 times root number m minus 3 times absolute value, then find the value range of X?

Let 3 * Radix m + 5 * Radix n = 7 be 1
2 * Radix M-3 * Radix n = x is 2
1 * 2-2 * 3, 19 root sign n = 14-3x
So 14-3x > 0, x0, x > - 21 / 5
So - 21 / 5

Under absolute value, x minus root sign 2 = 6 root sign 2


The opposite number of 2 minus root 6 is () 1 the absolute value of subtraction is ()

The opposite number of 2 minus root 6 is (√ 6-2), and the absolute value of subtraction of 1 is (π - 1)

The absolute value of one minus root two? A is the cube root of negative one. What is a?

Root 2 is bigger than 1, so 1-radical 2

① How much is the minus 3 root sign Mn multiplied by 1 / 2 root sign and 1 / 17 root sign ③ The sum of root number 50 minus 2 times root number 32 times root number 3 minus 42 times root number 1 / 6

① Minus 3 root sign Mn times 1 / 2 root sign 17 = - 3 root sign Mn × 1 / 34 root sign 17 = - 3 / 34 root sign 17MN ② root sign 0.001 cube root minus root sign 2 and 4 times minus negative root sign minus 2 bracket square = 0.1-3 / 2 + 2 = 0.6 ③ sum of root sign 50 minus 2 times root sign 32 times root sign 3 minus 42 times root sign 1 / 6 = (5 root number 2-8 root sign 2)

Root of 2 * sin45 ° + sin60 ° - 2cos45 °

Root 2 * sin45 ° + sin60 ° - 2cos45 ° = 1 / 2 + Radix 3 / 2-radix 2

A junior high school mathematics problem: under the root (8 + root 40 + 8 root 5) + under the root (8 - root 40 + 8 root 5)

(under the root sign (8 + root 40 + 8 root sign 5) + under the root sign (8 - root 40 + 8 root sign 5)), you can get the result. If you want the process, send me a message again

A quarter of 6 divided by a half of 3 is equal to the square under the root sign (root 3-2). The sum of integers whose absolute value is less than 4-radical 3 is the approximate number of 2.156 times 10 The approximate number is 2.156 times 10 to the fifth power, accurate to a few digits, and there are several significant numbers

A quarter of six divided by a half of three
Under the root sign (root 3-2) square = 2 - √ 3
The sum of integers whose absolute values are less than 4-radical 3 is 0
The approximate number is 2.156 times 10 to the fifth power, accurate to hundreds, with four significant numbers

Known | a-2010|+ A − 2011 = a, calculate the value of a-20102

To make
A − 2011 makes sense,
Then a ≥ 2011,
By | a-2010|+
Then a-2010+
That is, a-2011 = 20102,
Therefore, a-20102 = 2011