2 parts of B (the fifth power of the root AB) △ 6a of the square of B (a of the root b) × (- the third power B of the root a) Factorization: - x squared + 2XY + y squared (process)

2 parts of B (the fifth power of the root AB) △ 6a of the square of B (a of the root b) × (- the third power B of the root a) Factorization: - x squared + 2XY + y squared (process)

2 parts of B (the fifth power of the root AB) / (a of the square of the root b) × (- 3 / 3 of the root a, b) = 2B √ (AB) / (6a √ AB / 2) × (- 3AB √ AB / 2) = - B ^ 5 √ AB / 2 - x squared + 2XY + y ^ - 2x ^ = (x + y) mm2 - 2x & #

2 parts of B (the fifth power of the root AB) △ 6a of the square of B (B of the root a) × (- the third power B of the root a)

2 parts of B (the fifth power of the root AB) △ 6a of the square of B (B of the root a) × (- the third power B of the root a)
=-2√ab / b²÷ 6√ab /b ² x3/2 a√ab
=-1/3x3/2 a√ab
=-1/2 a√ab
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Compare the size of root 5, 5, 3, 3 and 2

At the same time to the 60th power
(3^(1/3))^60=3^20=(3^2)^10=9^10 ==>2^(1/2)5^(1/5)

How much is 16A to the fourth power B to the third power under the root sign Multiplication and division of radical

From the question: b > = 0
16A quartic B cubic under radical
=4A ^ 2B radical B

A root 16a-3 the third power of root a - the square root of 1 / 2 A is 4 / 2

a√16a - 3 √a³ - √( a/2) *4/a
Is the question like this

Root sign (4a square + 16A quartic)

Root sign (4a square + 16A quartic)
=2A radical (4a 2 + 1)

How much is the square of 16A multiplied by the fourth power of B under the root sign (a ≥ 0, B ≥ 0)


Minus 1 of root 2 minus root 8


The seventh power of the root two plus one times the eighth power of the root two minus one

(√2+1)^7 × ﹙√2-1﹚^8=﹙√2﹢1﹚^7×﹙√2﹣1﹚^7×﹙√2﹣1﹚=[﹙√2﹢1﹚﹙√2﹣1﹚]^7×﹙√2﹣1﹚=﹙2-1﹚^7×﹙√2﹣1﹚=√2﹣1
I hope I can help you

The 0 th power of the cube + (3 - π) of radical 16 - radical 8

simple form