When x = 0 or x = 1, find the square root of the sixth power of the cube root sign (2x-1) Use cube root!

When x = 0 or x = 1, find the square root of the sixth power of the cube root sign (2x-1) Use cube root!

First of all, you have to know that the square root of the sixth power of the cube root a is equal to plus or minus a
When x = 0, the original formula = plus or minus 1
When x = 1, the original formula = plus or minus 1

Calculate the cube fraction of the square y of 3x under the root sign and the 7th power of the 7th power of Y under the root sign and the 6th power of Y under the root sign


If x < minus 4, try to reduce the absolute value 2 minus the root sign (2 + x) 2

2 + X is less than 0, so the square root sign should be - X-2
2 minus 4 + X
4 + X is less than 0, absolute value 4 + X is equal to - 4-x

4 is / X / + 1 / x > 0.5. The absolute value of x 2 + 1 / 1 + X + x 2 + 1 ≥ 0

I think we can combine the image solution (x-3) (x + 1) when 0 equals zero, the solution is 3 and - 1, and the image opening is upward, so for the absolute value, we can discuss whether to remove the absolute value or use the image according to the situation

If the result of simplifying the absolute value of 1-x root sign (x-4) 2; is 2x-5, then the value range of X is (?)

If we simplify the absolute value of 1-x - radical (x-4) 2
=|1-x|-|x-4| =2x-5
Then | 1-x | = X-1, so x > = 1
|X-4| = 4-x, so x

(1 / 2) 1. Let 3 = a, 30 = B, then 0.9 =? 2. If A-B = - radical 2, ab = 1 / 3, then the algebraic root sign (a square + b square - 2Ab) (1 / 2) 1. Let the root sign 3 = A and the root sign 30 = B, then the root sign 0.9 =? 2. If A-B = - root 2, ab = 1 / 3, then the algebraic root sign (a square + b square - 2Ab) + a square

1.√3=a ,√30=b√0.9=√(90/100)=√(3*30/100) = ab/102.a-b= -√2,ab=1/3(a²+b²-2ab)+a²+b²+ab=2a²+2b²-2ab+ab=2a²+2b²-4ab+3ab=2(a-b)²+3ab=2*2+3*1/3=5

A-B is known=- 2,ab=1 3, then algebraic expression The value of A2 + b2-2ab + A2 + B2 + AB is equal to___ .

When a-b=-
At 3:00,
So the answer is:

Given a + B = 5, ab = 4, find the value of the algebraic formula (root a square B) + (root AB Square)

According to the meaning of the title, a = 1, B = 4. Or a = 4, B = 1, the result is 6

Known: x = 2 − Think about the value of the algebraic expression x2-4x-6?


X = 1 / 3 of 2-radical, find the square of the algebraic expression x-4x + 2
