Simplification: (1 + cos2x) / (Cotx / 2-tanx / 2)

Simplification: (1 + cos2x) / (Cotx / 2-tanx / 2)

The original formula = (1 + 2cos? - x-1) / [cos (x / 2) / sin (x / 2) - sin (x / 2) / cos (x / 2)] = 2cos? - X / {[cos? (x / 2) - sin? (x / 2)] / sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2)} = 2cos? Xsin (x / 2) cos (x / 2) / cos [2 × (x / 2)] = cos 2x × sin [2 × (x / 2)] / cosx = Co

How much is (TaNx + Cotx) cos2x equal to?

(sinx/cosx + cosx/sinx)cos^2x-sin^2x

The proof of cosinx + cosinx + 3x ^ 1

sin³x(1 + cotx) + cos³x(1 + tanx)
= sin³x + sin³x • cosx/sinx + cos³x + cos³x • sinx/cosx
= sin³x + cosxsin²x + cos³x + sinxcos²x
= (sin³x + cos³x) + sinxcosx(sinx + cosx)
= (sinx + cosx)(sin²x - sinxcosx + cos²x) + sinxcosx(sinx + cosx)
= (sinx + cosx)(1 - sinxcosx) + sinxcosx(sinx + cosx)
= (sinx + cosx)[(1 - sinxcosx) + sinxcosx]
= sinx + cosx

Known - π / 2 reduction, do not know how to reduce

Molecular = 2Sin ^ 2 (x / 2) - 2Sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2)
Because SiNx + cosx = 1 / 5
Square on both sides, 1 + 2sinxcosx = 1 / 25
Denominator = TaNx + Cotx
The original formula = 4 / 5 ^ (- 25 / 12) = - 48 / 125

TaNx = one third, what is the square of 2cosx + sin2x

2cos? X + sin2x = (2cos? X + 2sinxcosx) / (sin? X + cos? X) the denominator is the same as that of cos? X
=8/3 *9/10

It is known that cos (π / 4 + x) = 3 / 5,17 π / 12 Math homework help users 2016-11-17 report Use this app to check the operation efficiently and accurately!


Simplify sin ^ x * TaNx + cos ^ x * 1 / TaNx + 2sinx * cosx

sin^x*tanx+cos^x*1/tanx+2sinx*cosx=(sin^x*tan^x +cos^x)/tanx +2sinxcosx=[(sinx)^4+(cosx)^4]/[(cos^x*tanx] + 2sinxcosx=[(sin^x+cos^x)^2-2sin^x*cos^x]/(sinxcosx) +2sinxcosx=[1/(sinxcosx)]-2sinxcosx + 2s...

Given sin (x-45 °) = √ 2 / 4, find (1) sinxcosx, (2) TaNx + 1 / TaNx

If sin (x-45 °) = √ 2 / 4 = sinxcos45 ° - cosxsin45 °, SiNx cosx = 0.5, and the square of both sides leads to 1-2sinxcosx = 0.25

It is known that TaNx = - radical 2, - 2 / pie

Substituting the identity sin? X + cos? X = 1
So, Cox = 1
X is in the fourth quadrant
So cosx > 0
The original formula = sinxcos π / 6-cosxsin π / 6

TaNx = - radical 2, - π / 2 is known Math homework for users on October 26, 2017 report Use this app to check the operation efficiently and accurately!

First of all, TaNx = SiNx / cosx = - √ 2, and SiNx = - √ 2cosx is obtained
Take SiNx ^ 2 + cosx ^ 2 = 1 to calculate cosx = √ 3 / 3 or - √ 3 / 3, and then according to - π / 2, then SiNx = - √ 2cosx = - √ 6 / 3
That's right