Under what conditions does the following fraction make sense? 1 / X (x-1) x + 5 / x ^ 2 + 1

Under what conditions does the following fraction make sense? 1 / X (x-1) x + 5 / x ^ 2 + 1

1 / X (x-1): X ≠ 0 and X ≠ 1
X + 5 / x ^ 2 + 1: X is any real number (x ≠ I)

1. Fraction 3x-2 / 2x-3, when x is the value, the value of fraction is 1? (write out the process) 2. A rectangle. Its bottom surface is a square with a side length of 12.3cm and a volume of 1125cm cube. Now we need to redesign the rectangle to increase the height, but the bottom surface is still square and the volume remains unchanged (1) What is the height of the designed rectangle when the side length of the bottom surface is shortened by xcm? (expressed by an algebraic expression containing x) (2) When x = 2cm, how many centimeters is the height of the designed box higher than the original height? (accurate to 0.1cm) Do as much as you can

1. If the value of fraction (3x-2) / (2x-3) is 1, then 3x-2 = 2x-3 is obtained: x = - 12, (1) if the current bottom side length is 12.3-x, then the bottom area is (12.3-x) ^ 2 then the height of the box is 1125 / (12.3-x) ^ 2 (2) the original height is 1125 / 12.3 ^ 2, and now the height is 1125 / 10.3 ^ 2

When x is taken, the fraction 3x-2 / X-1 is meaningless

The fraction is meaningless, denominator = 0

When x = (), the square of fraction X-2 in 4 is meaningless

When x = (± 2), the square of fraction X - 4 X-2; meaningless
The denominator is equal to 0, and the fraction has no meaning

When x = what, x + 2 of fraction (x + 3) (x-1) is meaningless

It is meaningless when x = - 3 or x = 1
Because the denominator of a fraction is required to be non-zero. If it is zero, it is meaningless

What is the value of X, the fraction x squared plus a fraction of X squared minus one is meaningless When x is taken, the fraction (x-1) divided by (x-1 + 1) is meaningless

Choose the last one. Because the denominator is always a positive number. If the denominator is not 0, then the formula will always be meaningful

When x is the value, the fraction x squared plus 2x parts x is meaningless

When x is squared + 2x = 0DE, the denominator cannot be 0

When x = - 1, the fraction X-B / x + A is meaningless; when x = 4, the value of fraction X-B / x + A is 0, find a + B

When x = - 1, the fraction (X-B) / (x + a) is meaningless
That is, x + a = 0
When x = 4, the value of fraction (X-B) / (x + a) is 0
That is, X-B = 0

When x is taken, 8 / 1 of fraction X-1 is meaningful, and when a is taken, the square of fraction 2A + 1 / 1 A + 1 is meaningful,

A fraction is meaningful, but the denominator is not equal to zero
8 / (x-1) makes sense
(a + 1) / (2a 2 + 1) is meaningful
However, 2 a 2 ≥ 0, 2A 2 + 1 ≥ 1 > 0
So a takes all real numbers

Given the fraction x-3 / xsquare-5x + A, if a

When A0, the equation must have two different roots, that is, there are two X such that the denominator is 0. In this case, the fraction is meaningless