1. Known fraction 5 / x? - 2x + 3 when X_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 2. Fraction 2 / 5-x? - 4x when x_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 1. Known fraction 5 / x? - 2x + 3 when X_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 2. Fraction 2 / 5-x? - 4x when x_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 3. Under radical root sign, x 2 - 4x + 5 is X_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 4. Root 5 * 20-8x-x 2 When x_ Time division has the most_ The value is_

1. Known fraction 5 / x? - 2x + 3 when X_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 2. Fraction 2 / 5-x? - 4x when x_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 1. Known fraction 5 / x? - 2x + 3 when X_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 2. Fraction 2 / 5-x? - 4x when x_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 3. Under radical root sign, x 2 - 4x + 5 is X_ Time division has the most_ The value is_ 4. Root 5 * 20-8x-x 2 When x_ Time division has the most_ The value is_

1. When x = 5, the minimum value is - 2
2. 4 when x = - 2
3. X = 2 has a minimum value of 1
4. X = - 4 has a maximum value of 30; X = 2 or - 10 has a minimum value of 0

First, simplify and then refer to: (x-1 of x minus x + 1 of X-2) divided by x square + 2x + 1 / x square - x, where xsquare-x-1 = 0

(x-1 minus x + 1 X-2) divided by x square + 2x + 1 / x square - x, where xsquare-x-1 = 0

Simplify the square of fraction x plus x divided by the square of x minus 1

1. The numerator is x (x + 1) and the denominator is (x + 1) (x-1)
2. Because x is not equal to - 1, X divided by (x-1)

First simplify and then evaluate: X-1 divided by (x minus 1 of 2x + X squared), where x = root 2 plus one

(1 part of 2x-x + the square of x) divided by X-1 of X, where x = root 2
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First simplify and then evaluate: divide X by X + 1 by (x minus the square of 2x by 1 + x), where x = root 2 plus one

The original formula = (x + 1) / X △ (2x? - 1-x?) / 2x

First simplify, in the evaluation. (x's Square minus x minus 2 parts of X's Square minus 1) divided by (2x minus 4) parts of X, where x is equal to half

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The value of the square of fraction x-3 + 2x + 1 is negative when X -


What is the value of X, the value of fraction (X-2) divided by (3 + 2x) is a negative number

In the first case, X-2 > 0 and 3 + 2x

When x is (x is not equal to 0), the value of 2x + 1 of fraction x is negative. When x (not equal to 0), why is the square of fraction x equal to X-2 When x is (x is not equal to 0), why is the value of 2x + 1 of the square of fraction x positive? When x (not equal to 0) why, X-2, the square of fraction x, has a negative value


When x___ The square of fraction 2x plus 1 / 2 x-3 is negative?

Because the value of the fraction is less than 0, and (2x squared + 1) must be greater than 0,
So (x-3)