In the range of real numbers, when x is equal to something, the root sign 2x + 1 of the quadratic radical is meaningless

In the range of real numbers, when x is equal to something, the root sign 2x + 1 of the quadratic radical is meaningless

When the number in the root sign is less than 0, the quadratic root has no meaning. Therefore, when x is less than negative half, 2 × + 1 is less than 0, so it is meaningless

It is known that X and y are real numbers, and Y < X-2 + 2-x + 1 / 3 under root sign, and simplify (x-3) 2 + under root sign (3y-1) 2

According to the nonnegativity of the square root
Under root sign (x-3) 2 + under root sign (3y-1) 2

If the root of the formula x + 2 is significant in the range of real numbers, then the value range is

∵ if the root of the equation x + 2 is significant in the range of real numbers,
∴ √(x+2)≥0 .
∴ x+2 ≥0 ,
That is, X ≥ - 2

In order to make the formula x + 5 root sign / √ (X-7) + root sign (20-x) meaningful in the range of real numbers, find the value range of X

In order to make x + 5 / √ (X-7) + √ (20-x) meaningful in the real number range, we should satisfy the following conditions: X-7 > 0, and 20-x ≥ 0
From X-7 > 0 to x > 7
From 20-x ≥ 0 to X ≤ 20
Therefore, the value range of X is: 7 < x ≤ 20

If the root of the formula 4-3x is significant in the range of real numbers, then the value range of X is

Greater than or equal to 0 under root sign
Denominator is not equal to 0
So 4-3x > 0

If the root of the formula X-13 is meaningful in the range of real numbers, then the value range of X is A. X greater than 13 B. x less than 13 C. X is not equal to 13 D. x is greater than or equal to 13

The value range of X is C. x is not equal to 13

1. X-5 + 6-x under root sign is meaningful, and find the integer value of X

(1) X-5 under the root sign + 6-x under the root sign has meaning  X-5 ≥ 0,6-x ≤ 0 ᙨ 5 ≤ x ≤ 6  x = 5 or 6 (2) the square (1-A) a under the root sign has no meaning in the range of real numbers  1-A ﹤ 0 is always tenable ﹣ 1-A ﹤ 0 Heng holds and a ≠ 0 ﹥ a ﹥ 1 Mingjiao answers for you, please click [satisfactory answer]; if you have any dissatisfaction, please refer to

When x is what kind of real number, the root sign (2x + 3) + X + 1 / 1 is meaningful in the range of real numbers

The denominator is not 0, and the root is greater than or equal to 0

When x___ The root sign (1-2x) / X is meaningful in the range of real numbers

It is meaningful in the range of real numbers
1-2x ≥ 0 and X ≠ 0,
The solution is: X ≤ 1 / 2 and X ≠ 0
When x ≤ 1 / 2 and X ≠ 0

If the root sign 2x is significant in the range of real numbers, then x Make the root sign 1-x + root X-1 meaningful in the range of real numbers, x =?

(2) The root sign 1-x + root sign X-1 is meaningful in the range of real numbers, x = 0