Using factorization method to solve the equation: (1 + radical 2) x 2 - (1-radical 2) x = 0 Ll has not been on the third day of junior high school

Using factorization method to solve the equation: (1 + radical 2) x 2 - (1-radical 2) x = 0 Ll has not been on the third day of junior high school


How to change the root number 5x-1 = 0 into x? - 2 root sign 5x = 1 and then how to match it into (x-radical 5) 2 = 1 + (radical) 2 I need solutions and

∵ a^2-2*a*b+b^2=(a-b)^2
∴ x^2-2*√5*x-1=0

X-1 x2-2x+1÷1 x2-1=______ (where x= 2-1).

Original formula = X-1
When x=
2-1, the original formula=
So the answer is

First simplify, and then evaluate x-4 / (x? - 1) by X? - 3x-4 / (x? + 2x + 1) + 1 / (x-1), where x = 2 times the root sign 3 + 1

Hello: x-4 / (x? - 1) divided by X? - 3x-4 / (x? + 2x + 1) + 1 / (x-1) = (x-4) / (x + 1) (x-1) / (x + 1) (x-4) / (x + 1) 2 / (x-1) = 1 / (x-1) + 1 / (x-1) = 2 / (x-1) = 2 / (2 √ 3 + 1-1) = 2 / 2 √ 3 = 1 / √ 3 = √ 3 / 3 if there is anything you don't understand, you can

Reduction evaluation: 1 x+2−x2+2x+1 x+2÷x2−1 X − 1, where x= 2-2.

Original formula = 1
When x = x=
When 2-2, the original formula = -

It is simplified and then evaluated (1 / 2 of 2x-x + X squared) divided by X-1 of X, where x = root 2

(1 part of 2x-x + the square of x) divided by X-1 of X, where x = root 2

Simplify the evaluation: x square - 2x / x square - 1 divided by (x-1-2x-1 / x 1), where x = 2 root sign 2 Simplify the evaluation: x square - 2x / x square - 1 divided by (x-1-2x-1 / x + 1), where x = 2 + radical 2

Xsquare-2x / xsquare-1 divided by [(x-1) - (2x-1 / x + 1)]
=1 / (2 + Radix 2-1)
=1 / (root 2 + 1)
=Radical 2-1

The reduction of quadratic radical A-A 2 / A + 2=_____ .


The simplification of the most simple quadratic radical: 1 / 2 of a 2 + 1 / 2 of B (a > 0, b > 0)

The original formula = √ [(a ^ 2 + B ^ 2) / (AB) ^ 2] = √ (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2) / | ab |

When X-2|
