Given that the value of fraction (2x + 1) (X-5) / 4x ^ 2 + 4x + 1 is 0, what is the value of X?

Given that the value of fraction (2x + 1) (X-5) / 4x ^ 2 + 4x + 1 is 0, what is the value of X?

Because the denominator is ≠ 0
So the molecule is equal to zero
That is (2x + 1) (X-5) = 0
When x = - 1 / 2
Denominator 4x ^ 2 + 4x + 1 = (2 ^ 2 + 1) ^ 2 = 0
So it doesn't work
Should give up
So x = 5

How many integer values of X make fraction 2x ^ 2-4x + 2 / (x-1) ^ 3 an integer?

=The value of 2 / (x-1) is an integer
X = - 1,0,2,3, 4 in total

When x is the value, the following expressions are meaningful in the range of real numbers? (1) Radix 3-x (2) Radix 2x-1


What is the value of X + 1 / 2x + 3 under the second root sign?

The original formula = √ [(2x + 3) / (x + 1)] because in order to make the quadratic radical meaningful, the number of the square root must be greater than or equal to 0, and the denominator x + 1 ≠ 0. Therefore, there are two cases that satisfy the conditions: ① 2X + 3 ≥ 0, and X + 1 > 0; ② 2x + 3 ≤ 0; and X + 1 < 0; ② 2x + 3 ≤ 0

1. 2. When x, the root sign x + 2 + the root sign 1-2x is meaningful

When x > 0, the root sign 2x 3 △ x 1 is significant in the range of real numbers

When x is what kind of real number, does the radical 2x + 3 / 10 x make sense in the range of real numbers?

X is not equal to - 1, denominator is not zero, 3x + 3 is not zero

Given that the real number x, y satisfies the X + 2 radical sign Y = 2, the quadratic radical root sign 2x + y is simplified

X + 2 radical sign Y = 2,
X = 2-2 radical y
Radical 2x + y
=Radical (4-4 radical y + y)
=Radical (radical Y-2) ^ 2
=|Radical Y-2|

Given that x is a real number and satisfies the root sign (2x ^ 2 + x) = 2x-1, find the value of the root sign of quadratic radical (2x ^ 2 + x) RT,

Let 2x ^ 2 + X be a, that is, 2x-1 = a
Then express X by the algebraic expression of A
Then substitute the root sign (2x ^ 2 + x) = 2x-1 to calculate a

Given that x is a real number and satisfies the root sign (2x + x) = 2x-1, find the value of the root sign of quadratic radical (2x + x) RT

Solve the equation, x = 1 or - 1 / 2, and substitute it to get 3 or 0

To make a quadratic radical If 6 − 2x is meaningful, then the condition that the real number x should satisfy is______ .

From the meaning of the title, 6-2x ≥ 0,
X ≤ 3
So the answer is: X ≤ 3