Energy conversion in the process of nuclear power generation What is the energy conversion process of steam turbine in the process of nuclear power generation?

Energy conversion in the process of nuclear power generation What is the energy conversion process of steam turbine in the process of nuclear power generation?

Nuclear energy comes first to internal energy and then to mechanical energy
Nuclear energy internal energy mechanical energy electric energy
Nuclear energy → internal energy → mechanical energy → electric energy
Energy conversion process of nuclear power generation
We need to specify how it has changed
thank you!
Explain: the energy conversion process is a physical change
The fission energy produced by U235 fission is mainly transformed into the heat energy of the primary coolant. The primary coolant transfers the heat energy to the secondary coolant through SG to generate high temperature and high pressure steam. The steam drives the steam turbine to do work, which is converted into mechanical energy. The steam turbine drives the generator to generate electricity, which is converted into electrical energy
How many calories can one degree of electricity be converted into
How much heat does the card generate
1 kwh = 1 kwh = 3600000 joules
1 cal = 4.2 joules
So 1 kwh = 3600000 / 4.2 card = 857142.857142 card
The card is a very old unit, and now it is hardly used
^ 2.5 × 10.6 kcal
One degree of electricity can produce 860 calories
When a motor works normally, the voltage is 220 V and the current through the coil is 10 A. if the resistance of the coil is 2 ohm, what is its electric power?
Why is the calculation result of P = UI different from that of P = u ^ 2 / R?
The motor is not a pure resistance circuit
Motor power Pui = 220V * 10A = 2200W
The thermal power of the coil is pthermal = I & # 178; r = 10a) &# 178; * 2 Ω = 200W
The power of mechanical energy is p machine = P-P heat = 2000W
50 square 100m copper wire resistance, formula
R --- AC resistance (Ω / km)
S --- section (mm 2)
ρ -- resistivity of material (Ω square mm / km)
Copper ρ 20 = 17.75
Resistance = length of wire * area / density
Why is the longer the conductor, the greater the resistance?
Far away
Li Shizhen, Zu Chongzhi, Hua Tuo, Zhang Heng, Bi Sheng
He invented the world's first seismometer, compiled the compendium of Materia Medica, calculated the PI to the seventh decimal place, and invented the movable type printed book to connect with the characters on it
Ma Fei San Hua Tuo
Seismograph invented by Zhang Heng
Compendium of Materia Medica
PI: Zu Chongzhi
Movable type printing: Bi Sheng
The rated voltage of a motor is 220 V, the rated current is 5 A, and the coil resistance is 0.5 Ω
1100 * 60 seconds = 66000j
66000j-10.5 * 60s = 65370j
What is the resistance per kilometer of 4 square copper wire?
R = ρ L / s, where: R - conductor resistance (Ω) ρ - conductor resistivity (Ω · mm & # 178 / M) l - conductor length (m) s - conductor cross-sectional area (mm & # 178;) resistivity of common materials is as follows (at 20 ° C, unit: Ω · mm & # 178 / M) resistivity of Ag Cu al w Fe Sn 0.0160.01720.0290.04
The standard requirement is no more than 4.61 Ω at 20 degrees. However, due to different copper materials, the resistivity is also different, so the resistance is also different. It's between 4.4 and 4.6. If it is greater than 4.61, it is not marked.
The DC resistance value of copper core wire at 20 ℃ is 18.8 Ω / km mm & # 178; the resistance value of 4 square millimeter copper wire per kilometer is:
Wow, the answers of the above brothers are too detailed
What is the relationship between conductor resistance and conductor temperature?
Inverse proportion